Prince Pixel vs Tablet & MegaTrog

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Last time on Graffiti kingdom, Pixel was finally facing the Graffiti Devil, and it looks like he won. Graffiti Devil: "No!, how could this be?!, no mere human should be able to defeat me again!" Pixel: "Don't be so surprised, the good guys always win." Graffiti Devil: "Ah!... not this time!" shouted the Graffiti Devil, before he glowed a bit and somehow he was back to full health, much to everyone's shock and horror. Gidget: "What?!" Tommy: "No way!" Jokeo: "Hey!, that's cheating!" Jokey: "Yeah!" Pixel: "Wow... he's a lot tougher than I thought... but no matter, I'll just keep fighting you until he's really beaten for good." Tablet: "Sorry, but that's gonna happen." said Tablet, who was not only alive, but as he took the Graffiti wand from Pixel, who along with the others were shocked to see the Demon prince alive. Pixel: "Tablet?!, you're alive?!" Tablet: "Well... sort of... I sort of came to life by the Demon trio's magic... unfortunately... it allows them to take control of my own body..." said Tablet, as he showed signs of him struggling to move his own body in his own will. Graffiti Devil: "What do you mean the Demon trio are controlling you?" asked the Graffiti Devil, before the Demon Trio themselves came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "It's exactly as he said... he's under our control now." ThunderSmacker: "Yes, and now we finally got control on the boy's Graffiti wand." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Pastel: "Those rotten lizards... controlling the dead is a cruel act..." Graffiti Devil: "Boys... what is the meaning of controlling my son?!" ScreamClaw: "Sorry boss, but it's just the little side effect when we bring someone back to life, and besides, it's perfect to allow us on getting the wand." Tommy: "But without the wand, Pixel can't fight back!" ScreamClaw: "That's the whole idea." ThunderSmacker: "Now let's see what it can do for us..." said ThunderSmacker, before he and the other Demon Dragons tried to use the wand, but it didn't do anything. Pastel: "You're wasting time, only a Graffiti Demon or someone who has the potential of a Graffiti sorcerer can use it's magic." ScreamClaw: "Dang it!... wait a minute... a Graffiti Demon eh...?, Tablet, create a Graffiti creature for you to turn into!" ordered ScreamClaw, before Tablet used the wand to create a creature that looked like him but with wings and bird legs, and the demon took it over as his new form. Pixel: "Whoa... it worked..." ScreamClaw: "Yes... and now try creating the creature we want." Tablet: "I don't... wanna... but I must obey... dang it..." said Tablet, before he created what looked like a big Demon Dragon with a long thin tail with a blade on the tip, and the Demon Trio fused into it. The trio have become a being known as MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry), also known as the Dragon Devil, the ultimate Demon dragon. MegaTrog: "Yes!, at last!, I am MegaTrog!, the ultimate demon!... meaning I don't need you anymore." said MegaTrog, before he aims his pitchfork at the Graffiti Devil, and shoots a beam in it that turned the Graffiti Devil into a ghost version of himself. Graffiti Devil: "You traitors!, I gave you everything!" MegaTrog: "Yes... and since I'm not the ungrateful one, I will erase you... but I will have to put you to sleep a little while longer." said MegaTrog, before he drops the Graffiti Devil into a hole that will send down back to where he was sealed away the first time. Jokey: "Uh oh..." MegaTrog: "Well... it appears that I'm the new ruler here." Pixel: "You three might have become a whole bigger demon, but I can still kick your butt!" MegaTrog: "Oh really?, and how do you plan on doing that?, you no longer have the wand." Pixel: "Oh... right... dang it..." Pastel: "Here, you can use mine." said Pastel, before she pulls her wand out of her mouth and gave it to Pixel. Once she did that though, Pastel changed back into her human form. Pixel: "Are you sure it's okay for me to use yours?" Pastel: "Yes, it's not like we have other options, now go get that Demon!" Pixel: "Alright... what creatures can I become with this wand?" Pastel: "Oh dear... the only form I have in my wand right now is my box dog card..." Pixel: "What?!, how does that help?!" Pastel: "Remember how you became the Graffiti Devil?, try doing it again on either Tablet or MegaTrog, hurry!" Pixel: "Oh, okay... hang on Tablet, I'll save you and the kingdom no matter what!" MegaTrog: "Why would you want to help the Demon prince when he's against you now as he's in my control?" Pixel: "Because he's my friend!, what other reason do I need to save him?!" Tablet: "Pixel..." Tommy: "You won't have to fight alone." Gidget: "Yeah, we're with you all the way." Jokey and Jokeo: "Ditto!" that was when out heroes heard of someone with a cane coming from behind them, so they turned around and see what looked like an elderly Demon dragon. It was Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and unlike the Demon trio or MegaTrog, he was a friendly Demon dragon. Boney 10: "Well... it appears I've come just in time for the party." Pixel: "Who are you?, another enemy?" Pastel: "Wait... that's Boney 10!" Pixel: "You know him?" Pastel: "Yes, he was the one who taught me how to use the Graffiti wand long ago." Boney 10: "And it looks like you gave your wand to this boy." Pixel: "Well only because those two took mine, but I'll give it back to her once I get mine." Boney 10: "I see..." MegaTrog: "How could you be here?, I was sure my trio counterparts threw you into the dungeon." Boney 10: "Oh please, as if a mere cell can keep me, just because I'm old does not mean I'm weak, of course you being merging into a one bigger demon does not mean you're any stronger either." MegaTrog: "We shall see..." so with that, the final battle begins between Pixel's group and the demon pair of Tablet and MegaTrog, and the battle was intense. Pixel used Pastel's wand to turn himself into Tablet's battle form to fly into the air and use sky attacks to hit MegaTrog and Tablet. Jokey and Jokey went into their Mammoth and giraffe forms to fight the demons too. Thanks to Boney 10, Gidget was finally free from the anti psychic bracelet and can use her psychic powers again, but since demons are immune to her psychic powers, she used some parts of the ground to hit them with. Tommy used a hammer to bop the demons on the head to knock them out, but they were still able to fight. Pixel: "Come on Tablet, don't let that mega jerk tell you what to do!" Tablet: "I'm sorry, but as long as MegaTrog is still able to fight... I have no control over my own body..." Boney 10: "He's right, in order to free Tablet, you have beat him and MegaTrog at the same time." Pixel: "Alright..." Pastel: "Pixel!, you're almost out of time!, give them everything you have!, hurry!" Pixel: "Got it!" said Pixel, before he throws one last punch on Tablet, which sends the demon flying right into MegaTrog's chest, causing both of the demons to be defeated. The battle was finally over as both MegaTrog and Tablet were in ghost forms, and Pixel managed to catch the ghost Tablet just in time. As for MegaTrog, Boney 10 got a hold of his ghost form, and sends into an empty chest, and locks him up so he won't cause any more trouble. Tablet: "Well Pixel... that was the most fun I had for a long time... but it looks like it's the end for me." Pixel: "Don't be silly, you just need a new body right?" Tablet: "Well yes..." said Tablet, before Pixel got his wand back and used it to draw a new body for Tablet, which was like the old one. Once Tablet got into the drawing, he was back to his old self again. Pixel: "See, if you ever need a body, I'll draw ya a new one." Tablet: "Not that I don't appreciate what you just did, but why help me?" Pixel: "Cause you're my friend, I mean that's the deal we made, and if you promised to be good, I'll make sure to redraw you as many times you want." Tablet: "In case you forgotten, demons do bad things cause it's in our nature." Boney 10: "Maybe... but does not mean we can't do good things too." Tablet: "Yes... that's true too..." Pixel: "So... wanna battle again when you're ready?" Tablet: "I like that, but it seems your friends are not here." said Tablet, as he noticed that Pastel and the Toon kids were nowhere to be found, much to the human prince's confusion. Pixel: "Huh?... Pastel?... Tommy?... Gidget?... Jokey?... Jokeo?!" Tablet: "I believe I saw them going downstairs... most likely to where my father was sealed away again." Pixel: "What?, why would they... no... they wouldn't... Pastel!, Tommy!, Gidget!, Jokey!, Jokeo!, wait!" shouted Pixel, as he makes a run for it downstairs, leaving his wand behind and Tablet took a hold of it." Tablet: "Hmm... I'm sure Pixel won't mind if I barrow this for a while..." Boney 10: "You better not be planning evil." Tablet: "Of course not, I'm just gonna use it to draw new bodies for the demons in this chest." said Tablet, looking at the chest that was full of the ghosts of all the demons that Pixel defeated. Niss: "Please draw a big form for me, I can't eat much in this small ghostly body." Carleton: "You better get my muscles right." Easel: "If you're gonna draw me partner, can you make me a tad more handsome?" Telepin: "Well... I don't care much about how I look... as long as I can still fight in it..." Deskel: "I'm not picky on what form I have, but I must look something proper and strong at the same time." Acryla: "Well looks are important, it alone is a good weapon to use, of course I don't need to tell Master Tablet that." Pallette: "Hey!, I don't care how you do with the others, but you better make me breathtaking or else!" Tablet: "Oh boy... I'm already getting a headache from this and I haven't even got started..." Boney 10: "Yeah... this could take a while..." said Boney 10, before he and Tablet started working on redrawing the Graffiti demons.

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