Tablet's first world game

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As soon as they got to the second half of the first world, they noticed that the theme was different compared to Carleton's realm, for unlike a big child's room full of toys, this theme was of a wild western era. Pixel: "Wow... this sure looks different compared to the first half..." Pastel: "Well I believe it depends on the boss in charge of it..." Gidget: "And since this place a western theme... perhaps Easel is a cowboy of some sort." Pixel: "What's a cow boy?" Tommy: "Uh... from what Boney 10 told us, it's supposed to be a man who lives in the wild west." Pixel: "What's the wild west?" Tommy: "Uh... I would tell you, but even I don't know, I just know it existed long ago... or was it not yet to come... Boney 10 has the ability to see things of the past or future..." Pixel: "And this Boney 10 is a demon dragon... like the Demon trio... yet he's a friendly one?" Gidget: "Yeah... but now we have no idea where he could be..." Jokeo: "Well he could be in this world or one of the others... I mean if the Demon trio got freed, then maybe so did he." soon, they entered a dark room, which was like an abandoned mine shaft, and noticed that Tablet was there. Tablet: "Well it's about time you got here." Pixel: "You again?, what are you doing here?" Tablet: "Simple, I've been waiting for you here, for you see, I like to play a game with you." Pixel: "Sorry, but we don't have time for some game." Tablet: "That's not your choice to make, and besides, think of this as a warm up to help you on your upcoming battle with Easel." Pixel: "Well... this won't take long, will it?" Tablet: "That depends on how fast you can beat the game, here are the rules... if you can defeat all of my Spongy minions, then you'll be the winner." said Tablet, before he took some steps back, and a big group of Spongy creatures came to the scene, ready to battle. Pixel: "Really?, this should be easy." Tablet: "Don't be too sure, as this Spongy group's a lot stronger than the ones you faced before." said Tablet, before one of the Spongy creatures made a big jump into the air, and almost landed on Pixel, who managed to dodge the attack, and gasped in shock to see a big crater left behind by the attack. Jokey: "Wow... he wasn't kidding..." Pixel: "Okay... Then I'll just have to use a stronger creature." said Pixel, before he transformed himself into his Rainbow bear and went to battle. Gidget: "Pixel, try changing into different creatures during the battle!, it might help you!" called out Gidget, before Pixel turned into his Fire Blockade creature, which let out fire to burn the creatures. Pixel then turned into another creature that looked like the Fire Blockade, only it was blue, which was called Ice Blockade, which shoot out an ice beam instead of fire, which froze up his opponents long enough to launch an attack. Soon, all of the Spongy creatures were defeated, meaning that Pixel won the game. Tablet: "Well done Pixel, if you can entertained me this well now, then I'll be looking forward the next time we play." Pixel: "Yeah right... wait, what do you mean next time?" Tablet: "Bye, bye." said Tablet, before he left the scene, leaving Pixel's question unanswered. Pastel: "That's some friend you got there..." Pixel: "Oh give me a break..." Tommy: "Well at least that should help you be prepared for your upcoming battle with the boss of this world." Pixel: "Maybe..." Jokey: "I hope we get this done soon, I'm hungry." Jokeo: "Yeah... me too." Gidget: "Yeah... maybe we should get some lunch, can't have a good battle with an empty stomach." Pixel: "But we don't have any food... and I don't think that I can use my wand to make food... can I?" Pastel: "It's a wand for Graffiti, not a fry cook spatula." Jokeo: Luckily for everyone, I happen to be a cook myself." Jokey: "Yeah, my bro can make the most yummy cheeseburgers and fries." Pixel: "Well... I guess we could give it a try..." Pastel: "And although I should be saying that time is against us, I have to admit that I could use a bite myself." said Pastel, before Jokeo took out a bag from the pocket on his shirt, which was somehow bigger on the inside, and out of the bag was a grill, a few burger patties, and a spatula, and soon began cooking some lunch for the group.

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