Tablet's second world game

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After defeating Telepin, Pixel's group continued their quest on getting the second world's key. The second half of the second world was like a desert at first, before the theme got changed to more space like. Tommy: "Hmm... I wonder if this Deskel guy is an alien..." Gidget: "What makes you think that?" Tommy: "Well the theme here is space like... and aliens are beings from space... I'm just guessing of course." Pixel: "Well whatever this Deskel guy is like, we'll find out sooner or later." it wasn't long before they got a big platform, where they see Tablet waiting for them. Tablet: "Well it's about time you came." Pixel: "You again?, what do you want?" Pixel: "That's not nice you know, acting like I'm some kind of cockroach, I just thought of a new game for us to play." Pixel: "Oh man... not again..." Tablet: "What's the matter?, scared?" Pixel: "Not really, I'm just not interested in your games." Tablet: "Well either way, you have to play with my games if you want to continue your quest on getting the second world's key from Deskel." Tommy: "I think we better do this game of his if we want to continue..." Pixel: "Well... alright... but this better be quick." Tablet: "That depends on how fast you can win... new game, same rules, if you can beat these Graffiti demons, then you'll be the winner." said Tablet, before a group of what looked like aliens came to the platform, ready for battle, while Pixel changed into a smaller version of Telepin's battle form, ready for battle too. At the corner, the Toon kids were sitting and watching the battle, while Jokey was eating a bucket full of popcorn. Pastel: "Um... should I ask about where you got that bucket of popcorn?" Jokey: "What?, Jokeo and I always bring some snacks while we go places, so we have a full belly while traveling." Jokeo: "We love to eat." Pastel: "Yeah... I can see that." Gidget: "Oh... I hope Pixel will be okay..." Pastel: "I wouldn't worry, he hasn't lost a battle yet... and this might help him get strong enough to face Deskel... maybe..." said Pastel, as she and the Toon kids watch Pixel fight the aliens. The battle proved to be tough as not only the aliens outnumber Pixel, but they can multiply whenever one of them gets beaten. Pixel was getting frustrated, before noticing that every time the leader alien glows, more aliens appeared, making him realized that as long as the leader was still able to fight, so will more aliens. With a big hop, Pixel landed on top of the leader alien, taking it out and soon the other aliens were taken down as well. Once the battle was over, Pixel changed back into his human form, and Tablet clapped his hands. Tablet: "Not bad, you're really improving... this should help you on your fight against Deskel." Pixel: "I don't get it... you're a demon, yet you're helping me... why?" Tablet: "Well I might be a demon... but that does not mean I can't help a friend." Pixel: "Since when were we friends?" Tablet: "Do you want to stop the Graffiti Devil or not?" Pixel: "Well yeah..." Tablet: "Then you should learn to be more grateful to those helping you... bye bye." said Tablet, before he left the scene, leaving Pixel alone with Pastel and the Toon kids once more. Pixel: "Man... there he goes again..." Pastel: "Don't let him get to you, remember, he's the Graffiti Devil's son." Pixel: "What?!, he is?!" Pastel: "Didn't I tell you about that?" Pixel: "Uh no... this is the first time I heard you mentioned it." Pastel: "Huh... must have slipped my mind..." Pixel: "Oh man... I could have asked him to free mother and father and the townsfolk..." Pastel: "I doubt it'll work... I have a feeling that he's only helping you cause he wants something from you." Pixel: "Huh... you really think so?" Gidget: "I'll bet on it, as demons usually don't make deals with mortals unless they get something back in return..." Tommy: "Yeah... we learned that the hard way when the Demon trio turned us into Toons." Jokey: "And it didn't end well for any of us..." Jokeo: "Not at all..." Pixel: "Hmm... maybe I could ask him the next time I see him..." Pastel: "Were you even listening?!" Tommy: "Never mind that, we have to get the second key and fast." Pastel: "You're right Tommy, let's go." said Pastel, before the group continue their quest. Unaware to the group, there was some sort of bird called the Prick Bird (voiced by Carolyn Miller), hiding in the corner and saw the whole battle. Prick Bird: "Chip chip... I must report this to Miss Pallette." said the bird, before flying away to who knows where.

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