Prince Pixel vs Carleton

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After entering the first mini castle world, Pixel and the others went to battle some Graffiti creatures while on the way to find the first boss. Pixel used his Graffiti wand to transform himself into a Graffiti creature, before he finds a card that allows him to change into a creature that was like a red dinosaur or a dragon called a Fire Blockade. Tommy and the other Toon kids were using their wits to trick their foes to be beaten, such as luring them to a cliff or something like it. Tommy: "Hmm... I can't help but noticed that this place is sort of like a giant's version of a kid's room full of giant sized toys..." Pixel: "Yeah... but if you ask me, I hope we find this boss soon, I'm getting bored here." Pastel: "I think you mean that we should hurry before the Graffiti Devil gets his powers back." Pixel: "Whatever." Gidget: "Hey Pixel... aren't you concerned that this boss might be really tough for you?" Pixel: "Oh come on, if I can beat that guard back at the entrance, then I can beat this world's boss too." Pastel: "I wouldn't be too sure about it... I highly doubt this boss will be defeated as easily..." Jokey: "Who is the boss of this world anyway?" Jokeo: "That's a good question... we don't even know what his name is..." Pixel: "Really?, you never seen the bosses?" Jokey: "Not really... the only Graffiti demons we met besides the Graffiti Devil in the past were the common ones." Jokeo: "Yeah, we never even seen any of the bosses before." Pixel: "Huh... well I guess we'll find out together..." soon, they walked through a big gate, and once they got through, it closed up behind them. Suddenly, a large green man with four arms named Carleton (voiced by Micheal Naishtut), came to the scene, flexing his muscles. Carleton: "Mm... muscles!" Pixel: "What the?!, who are you?" Carleton: "Me?, I am the one in charge here, name's Carleton, servant to his majesty, the Graffiti Devil!" Pixel: "Oh... so you're the boss of this world?" Carleton: "Boss?... well not really, just this world's second in command, if you want the boss of this world, you'll have to see Easel." Pixel: "Well if you're not the boss, we'll just be going now." Carleton: "Not so fast little guy!, if you want to keep going forward and see Easel, you have to beat me first, scary huh?" Pixel: "Oh... well why didn't you just say so?" Carleton: "Hey... can't you at least pretend to be scared?... geez... kids these days..." Tommy: "Well compared to the Graffiti Devil, you don't seem all that scary." Carleton: "Fair enough... but never mind that, let's get ready to fight, I've been waiting for a good fight in a long time." Pixel: "Good to hear, cause I was gonna say the same thing." Carleton: "And don't worry about your friends, they'll have foes to face too." said Carleton, before the Demon trio came to the scene, ready to fight. Gidget: "Not you three again!" ScreamClaw: "Yes us three again, you didn't think you could get rid of us that easily, did you?" ThunderSmacker: "Yes, we are part of a superior race, we don't fall as easily as you mortals." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Tommy: "Okay Pixel, just like with Niss, you deal with Carleton while we deal with the trio." Pixel: "Got it." said Pixel, before he used the wand to changed himself into a Fire Blockade creature. As for Carleton, he turned himself into what looked like a robotic toy version of himself, ready for battle. Carleton: "Let's see what you got kid!" Fire blockade Pixel: "I'll show you what I got alright!" so with that, they two went into battle, while the Demon trio were chasing the Toon kids and Pastel. ScreamClaw: "You won't escape from us this time!" Jokeo: "Gidget!, do something!" Gidget: "Like what?!, my psychic powers are useless on those three, remember?!" Jokeo: "Not on them, on our surroundings!" Gidget: "Oh... that my powers can do." said Gidget, before she used her powers to make a piece of the ground float up and flew right into the trio, causing them to crash into a wall. Tommy: "Well that's one way to beat them." said Tommy, before the Demon trio went back on their feet, and they were mad. ThunderSmacker: "You're gonna pay for that!" Jokey: "Uh oh... Gidget... are you sure your powers won't work on them?" Gidget: "If it could, I would have used it on them a long time ago... plus it would make our battles with them too easy and boring." Jokeo: "She does have a point there." ScreamClaw: "Yes... and now it's time to blow you all sky high!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he throws a ball at Tommy, which was really a bomb. Tommy: "Hot potato!" called out Tommy, before he throws the bomb back to the Demon trio. Soon a game of hot potato began between the Toon kids and the Demon trio, trying to avoid getting blown up. Soon, the bomb blew up, and the last ones to get it was the Demon trio, who were now covered in smoke and soot. ThunderSmacker: "Oh... this blows..." ScreamClaw: "Shut up..." SpaceWarp: "I c-c-can't feel my... f-f-face..." said the Demon trio softly, as they once again been defeated. Gidget: "Well that takes care of them." Tommy: "I hope Pixel's doing okay..." Pastel: "Look!" said Pastel, seeing that both Pixel and Carleton were still fighting, but it looks like the battle was about to end. Pixel turned into what looked like a smaller version of Niss' battle form, and threw one more punch at Carleton, who then turned white and fell to the ground. Soon, both Pixel and Carleton were back to their normal forms. Carleton: "Whew... that wasn't bad... but now it's time for me to get serious..." Pixel: "You're still alive?" Carleton: "Of course, you didn't think that a little kid could... [noticed his body was fading away] wait... what's happening?, does this mean... I lost?!" Pixel: "Took you long enough to figure it out." said Pixel, before Carleton turned into a ghost version of himself, like how Niss did before. Carleton: "Just you wait kid, you won't be so lucky the next time we battle!, just you wait and see!" shouted Carleton, before he flew away to who knows where. Pixel: "So... he didn't had the key... dang it..." Pastel: "Well he did say he was this world's second in command... and we now know that the boss of this world is named Easel, that's something." Pixel: "Okay... so we go find this Easel guy and we can get the key of this world, right?" Pastel: "Yes, and I think we're halfway there." Pixel: "What?!, halfway?, oh man..." Gidget: "Could be worse, I mean we could have lost... and have our souls eaten..." Pixel: "Wait... what?!" Pastel: "I don't recall the Graffiti demons do something like that." Tommy: "She was talking about the Demon dragons like the Demon trio." Pixel: "Wait... so the Demon trio are not Graffiti demons?" Tommy: "I don't think so, and I don't recall a time that they said they were... so as for why they're working for the Graffiti Devil... I'm not really sure..." Jokey: "Maybe cause they're still demons?" Jokeo: "Hmm... that could be it... maybe..." Pixel: "Uh, can't we just go already?, I mean shouldn't we hurry up before the Graffiti Devil gets his power back?" Pastel: "Yes, we should go." Tommy: "Hey look, it's the card for Carleton's battle form." said Tommy, before giving Pixel the card. Pixel: "Hmm... I guess this one could come in handy." Tommy: "Yeah, I mean you managed to get the card of Niss, so it makes sense of you getting the card of Carleton." Pixel: "That reminds me... why was my Niss form smaller than the original?" Pastel: "Not sure, maybe the battle forms change size depending on the user's size..." Pixel: "Whatever..." so with that, they went through the gates ahead, and continue on to the second half of the first world.

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