Prince Pixel vs Easel

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After a good afternoon lunch, made by Jokeo, the group continued their quest on getting the first world key. Pastel: "Hmm... we should be close to where the first world boss is... he should be behind these doors." said Pastel, looking at the big doors in front of her and the group. Pixel: "About time, now let's go in and get that first key." Tommy: "Yeah... but we better be careful, there's no telling what this Easel guy is like, or how tough he is." Gidget: "Well... we're about to find out." Jokey: "Yeah..." Jokeo: "Uh huh..." so without delay, they went through the doors, and once they did, they were in some kind of place that looked like a wild western battle field. Suddenly, they noticed someone running towards them, before he stopped with a skidding sound. The being in question looked like a skeleton cowboy, who was really Easel (voiced by Chris Wohs) himself, the first world's boss. Easel: "Ye haw!, welcome to the wild west son!... and fox?, hyenas?, cat?, dog?" Pastel: "I'm a lady!" Easel: "Of course, cutie lady pooch." Pastel: "I told you, I'm not a dog!" Gidget: "Well... in that Graffiti form, it's hard to tell." Pixel: "Great... looks like we got ourselves a weirdo..." Easel: "You're the boy with the Graffiti wand, here are the rules son, who makes the quickest draw gets the loot, so if you want the key, you have to beat me in battle." Pixel: "Hold on, how did you know what we're here for?" asked Pixel, before the Demon trio came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "That would be our doing, you see, we figured you would be after the keys to reach the boss..." ThunderSmacker: "So we alerted the bosses of the other worlds that you might come for their keys..." SpaceWarp: "W-w-well... that is if you c-c-can beat Easel here..." Pixel: "Oh... you guys again?" ScreamClaw: "Aren't you at least a little scared of us?" Pixel: "Not really, if you can't handle my friends, then your threats don't really mean much." ScreamClaw: "Hey!, they might have beaten us in the past by luck, but not this time." Tommy: "I don't like where this is going..." ScreamClaw: "Here's the cheese, the fox and I have a draw, the one who does the quickest draw wins... here's your gun." said ScreamClaw, before handing Tommy a western gun, while the demon had one of his own. Pixel: "Are those things called guns dangerous?" Gidget: "I believe so... though I don't really know what they can do..." Jokeo: "They look a little like little cannons." Jokey: "So... mini cannons?" Easel: "Hey partner, don't forget your own duel with me." Pixel: "Sure... let's do this..." said Pixel, before he transforms into a smaller version of Carleton's battle form, while Easel changes in his battle form, which was like him with his lower half of a horse, and his right hand having gun barrels for fingers, while the left arm had a gatling gun for a hand. While Pixel battles Easel, the duel between Tommy and ScreamClaw was about to begin. Unaware to the kids, ScreamClaw gave Tommy an unloaded gun, at least that's what the red Demon dragon believes of course. ScreamClaw: "Alright... draw!" shouted the red Demon Dragon, before he pulls the trigger, only for it not being loaded. As for Tommy's gun, a large boxing glove came out of the gun's barrel, and it punched ScreamClaw right into a wall. SpaceWarp: "Uh... oh..." ThunderSmacker: "I guess the guns got a little mixed up..." ScreamClaw: "You idiots!, why did you gave me the empty gun?!" ThunderSmacker: "Don't yell at us!, it was your fault for not putting labels on the guns!" Gidget: "I knew you creeps were up to something!" ScreamClaw: "Shut up you little brat!" Tommy: "Hey you can't tell her to shut up and call her a brat!" ScreamClaw: "Oh yeah?, what are you gonna do about it?!" Tommy: "Jokey... Jokeo... you know what to do." Jokey: "You got it, little buddy." said Jokey, before he and Jokeo started to change forms, from hyenas to a mammoth for Jokey, and a giraffe for Jokeo, much to the trio's surprise. The sight of the transformation surprised both Pixel and Pastel, even Easel stopped by the sight. Easel: "Whoa!, those partners just got big as Texas!" Carleton Pixel: "Uh... they couldn't do that before... right?" Pastel: "Hmm... must be a new trick they pulled off with their Toon bodies..." Gidget: "Yeah, turns out that Toons like myself, Tommy and the twins can changed shape depending on the cartoons and such... but this is the first time I've seen them use that trick in a battle..." said Gidget, before seeing the Demon trio getting the pulp beaten out of them by the twins. Pastel: "Pixel!, your battle!" Carleton Pixel: "Huh?... oh right!" yelped Pixel, before he went back to focus on his fight with Easel, who got his attention back to the fight as well. With one more punch, Pixel takes down Easel, who fell down and turned white, before turning into a ghost version of himself. Easel: "Wha hoo!, you were one real sharp shooter boy!, but next time it'll be your turn to lose, keep your eyes open boy." said Easel, before he floated away to who knows where, while Pixel changed back to his human form. Soon, a big key appeared from above, and landed into Pixel's hands. Pixel: "Alright!, world 1 cleared!" Pastel: "Way to go Pixel!, you did it!" Gidget: "Yeah, 1 down, 2 more worlds to go." that was when Pastel picked up a card that belonged to Easel, and gave it to Pixel, allowing him to have a new Graffiti creature to transform into. Pastel: "This should come in handy." Pixel: "Thanks." Tommy: "And we took care of the trio... for now at least." Jokeo: "Yeah, those guys are hard to get rid of." Jokey: "Really?, but it looks like they're gone now." said Jokey, pointing at the spot where the Demon trio were, only there was no sight of them. Pastel: "They must have escaped while we weren't looking..." Pixel: "Eh... we'll get them later, now let's go get the other keys... though right now I feel a little tired..." Jokeo: "Well it has been a long day... we better get some rest." Pastel: "Well... I guess we should rest once we get back to the main palace realm... but we can't rest for too long, time is at the essence." said Pastel, before she and the others went through the doors and got back to the main palace entrance realm to get some rest.

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