The worlds of Graffiti Kingdom and Prince Tablet

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Once they got through the gates, Pixel, Pastel and the Toon kids were standing on a large pillar that was like a tower, and there were a few more, and each one had what looked like mini castles that were as big as large houses, with one of them having a rainbow bridge to allow anyone to get across to. The first mini castle, with the rainbow bridge that goes to it, had large moving signs that were two figures, one was a large man with four owns, and the other looked like a cowboy. The second mini castle, which does not a rainbow bridge to cross over to, had signs of what looked like a short person with rabbit ears while the second was taller and had a large mustache that looked like arms. The third mini castle, which also didn't had a bridge to cross over to, had moving signs that looked like women, one was a taller lady while the other was shorter. The last one had what looked like a large moving sign that looked like the Graffiti Devil, but there was no rainbow bridge to allow the group to cross to either. Pixel: "Wow!, this place is amazing!, it's like something from a dream..." Pastel: "Don't be so impressed, let's not forget that the Graffiti Devil used the castle and some of the kingdom's land to create this place." Tommy: "Yeah... but you have to admit, that guy has some imagination..." Gidget: "I have to agree on that..." Pixel: "So where could mother and father be?" Pastel: "Don't you remember what that guard said about what happens to the humans, they're most likely been captured and taken in as slaves." Pixel: "What kind of slaves?" Pastel: "I don't know, it's hard to tell what a demon is thinking..." Pixel: "Wait... you mean you're not a demon?" Pastel: "What?!, how rude!, what on earth made you think I was a demon?!" Pixel: "Sorry... it's just... you don't look human..." Pastel: "I am human!, just in my Graffiti creature form, like how you do it." Pixel: "Really?, then how come you haven't changed?" Pastel: "What?, I love this form... that and the fact I've been in this form so long, I'm sort of stuck in it for a bit." Pixel: "Really?, you can't change back?" Pastel: "I could... but it's gonna take a while before I can regain my ability to turn human again... but right now we need to stop the Graffiti Devil and do it fast." Jokey: "So uh... where is the Graffiti Devil?" Jokeo: "Perhaps in that mini castle with the sign large sign that looks like him." Pixel: "But how are we gonna get across?, there's no bridge to it..." suddenly, they heard a voice that said 'Perhaps I can help', which surprised them, before looking up and see someone standing on top of one of the mini castles. The owner of the voice was what looked like a boy around Pixel's age, with blue hair. His name was Tablet (voiced by Carolyn Miller), and just like Pixel, he was a prince, but of the Graffiti demons. Pixel: "W-who are you?!" Tablet: "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tablet... and despite my appearance, I am a demon, but no need to freak out, I mean you or your friends no harm, who might you be?" Pixel: "Uh... my name is Pixel, and this is Pastel." Tommy: "I'm Tommy D Fox... but you can call me Tommy for short." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo." Jokey and Jokeo: "We're twins." Tablet: "Nice to meet you... anyway, let me tell you how this kingdom works... you see... this is the entrance realm, and these mini castles are actually worlds of the Graffiti kingdom, and each one has their own boss, and as you can see... there's one that has the Graffiti Devil in it... but as you can see, there's no way you can get across." Gidget: "Well... I could use my psychic powers to make us fly over there... or teleport." Tablet: "That could work, but the Graffiti Devil created a magic force field that keeps intruders out, and the only get through it is the rainbow bridge connecting it to here." Tommy: "But there's no rainbow bridge..." Tablet: "Not yet... but there is a way to unlock the bridge." Pixel: "Really?" Tablet: "Yes, first you must collect three keys that will unlock it... but to get the keys, you must find and defeat the bosses of these other worlds, of course you must get the key from the boss behind the world behind me first, otherwise you can enter the other two worlds." said Tablet, pointing at the only mini castle with the rainbow bridge. Pixel: "Is that all?, then let's go." Gidget: "Wait a minute... this seems too good to be true..." Tablet: "Yes... the kitten has the right to be suspicious, I mean aren't you a little worried that it might be a trap?" Pixel: "Oh, well if it's a trap, I'll just come back and kick your butt." Tablet: "Ha, ha, you're an interesting human, I'm starting to like you." Pixel: "Whatever..." Tommy: "Huh... it's nice to have another demon ally besides Boney 10." Pixel: ""Who?" Tommy: "A friendly demon dragon that's actually nice... at least to kids like me and my friends anyway." Pastel: "Hmm... I wonder if we'll run into him..." Pixel: "Who knows, right now let's go get this key and be quick about it." said Pixel, before he and the others went into the first mini castle, which had the signs of the large four armed man and the cowboy.

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