Find Your Pleasing*

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Summary: In which you have a heated meeting with the hot CEO.
Trope: CEO!Harry
Warnings: mature and smutty content, role play, usage of toys, unprotected sex.
WC: 2.4k

The floor was buzzing with workers frantically running from one room to the other as they made sure everything was perfect and neat for him

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The floor was buzzing with workers frantically running from one room to the other as they made sure everything was perfect and neat for him.

Mr. Harry Styles, owner, and founder of Pleasing for sex toys. He started this company from the bottom in 2017 with no one to motivate him but his own will.

Back then CEOs of big companies laughed in his face when he proposed his project, they even scoffed and made fun of him. Now they are waiting in the lobby for their turn to have a word with him. He likes- no loves how they behaved after he outsmarted them in the business field, he even enjoyed watching their faces turn pale whenever they entered the headquarters because everyone knew that he'd be reigning on the top for a very long time.

The secret to his success was the face of Pleasing which also happens to be him. He caused a revolution of some type in the sex toys world after he launched an ad making every man and woman drool for him. There were even rumors about couples breaking up thanks to Pleasing's glorious toys. When the news reached Harry he smirked, secretly liking the idea of having power over others.

He didn't even need to try and well the rest is history.

There are lots of things that the public does not know about the successful young man, one of which is his sex club also called "Pleasing". It is mistaken for being inspired by the company, little do they know the devil himself built both of them.

The sound of printing machines, telephones, and employees shouting got closer as you neared the 5th floor also known as Styles' Headquarters. You had a job interview and you were required to know some crucial details about him.

You approached the receptionist who was thankfully not so busy and she helped you reach his office, the room that was isolated from the entire floor.

She went in before you and you could faintly hear the murmur of words exchanged between them. It wasn't long before she gave you the green light to enter.

A big mahogany desk was placed in the center of the room behind which he stood with his back to you, and you couldn't help but notice the display of many sex toys on the counter.

At the sound of your footsteps, he turned around, his right hand still placed on his hip. He was dressed in an elegant navy suit that made sure he appeared as the CEO. You caught a glimpse of his painted fingernails varying from turquoise to transparent while his hands were complimented by luxurious rings, a lion, a pearl, and his initials. You were very familiar with his hands just like the rest of the world was.

"Ma'am it's an honor to finally meet you, have a seat please." He signaled to the comfortable chair in front of his desk.

"Same goes for you, Mr. Styles." You smiled as you lowered your skirt to adjust your seating while feeling his eyes raking your body.

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