Ride Along*

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Summary: Y/n is feeling bored alone at her apartment, so Harry takes her for a ride.
A continuation to Discipline.
Trope: Agent Harry
WC: 6.3k
Warnings: mentions of speeding, a pinch of meanrry, smut, degradation, choking, face spitting, unprotected sex, implications of somnophilia, after care.

3kWarnings: mentions of speeding, a pinch of meanrry, smut, degradation, choking, face spitting, unprotected sex, implications of somnophilia, after care

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Y/n was placed on house arrest by Harry for a week, and it was torturous.

Perhaps "house arrest" is a bit dramatic but she felt suffocated. She could leave her apartment whenever she wanted. Harry's insistence on her relaxation was clear, and he only meant for her to avoid any activities that require physical exertion.

Anyone would be thrilled to have a week off from work, but it was rather confusing for Y/n. Although she hadn't been an agent for long, she adapted quickly to the agent lifestyle which was hard to suddenly pause.

Even with Harry's confirmation and reassurance that he wasn't disappointed, she still felt the need to occupy her time with something useful.

There was absolutely nothing in her apartment that could pass away time. At least nothing that interested her.

She cleaned up a bit, reorganized the living room, and stuck to the meals that Harry sent for her daily. They weren't bad actually, except for the spinach soup that made her want to puke.

With no one accompanying her but Tim Tim and her thoughts, she realized how nice and caring it is to send someone customized meals. If someone heard her say it out loud, they'd snort in her face but-they just don't know Harry and his personality.

He texted her every day at least twice. At first, she thought he only did so to make sure she ate the meals and took her supplement (which would be considered too kind coming from him), but slowly he began diverting from those topics asking her about her day and chatting with her.

He gave her updates on the agency and promised to pass by her apartment only to bail on her because of an emergency that required his presence.

On day 4 she was fully annoyed. She couldn't handle being away from the agency for long, and even if she could go out and enjoy her time away-she didn't know where to go.

She didn't lead a normal life, no agent did and she was completely okay with it. She had no one to check up on or call to hang out with. The idea of going out somewhere alone felt weird. She would feel like an imposter amongst a sea of normal people.

She buried the eerie feelings and decided to spam Harry with texts to annoy him a bit.

Y/n: I'm gonna pass by the agency :)

She pressed the send button and waited for his reply as she heated her lunch for the day.

His reply was almost automatic as if he didn't have a load of responsibilities.

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