His Good Girl*

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A requested Subspace concept.
Trope: CEO!Harry
Warnings: Breeding kink, subspace, daddy kink.
WC: 1.1k

The thing about your fiancée is that he's a very determined man

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The thing about your fiancée is that he's a very determined man.

Ever since he found out you were more fertile than average, he became a hungry man. You were used to his lust and need for pleasure, but he completely turned into someone else overnight.

it was as if he turned into a horny teenager, fucking you daily and always placing a pillow beneath your hips after spilling his seed deep inside of you. There were days when'd fuck you before an event and urge you to hold his cum inside before taking you to the bathroom to make sure that your pussy is flooding with his cum only to fill you up again.

He often brought you to his office and made you cockwarm him before meetings, usually before the whole breeding thing he'd only give you his cum if you were a good girl but now getting his seed inside of you is a routine.

He tracks your ovulation days through his phone and makes sure to take you anytime wherever he wants. He'll do whatever it takes to have his child. Harry was never someone to shy from exhibitionism, but now that he wants to breed you, he's shameless about it.

Whenever you're in his office, he'd be so vocal with his moans and dirty talk. He even once asked for a cloth so he can clean up the cum from the big load he gave you.

As for being in public, he doesn't allow you to wear panties so he can have easy access in case the app notified him of a pregnancy chance, but also because he's insatiable.

He took you out to grab a 'few' things from Gucci for the baby even though it's not confirmed yet and he ended up buying 25k worth of baby clothes that will be of no use after 1 year along with 20k worth of maternity clothing and jewelry for you.

He wanted you to have anything you wanted, all you had to do was ask. There was something so hot in seeing him act that way, walking confidently with his hand wrapped around your waist, putting things mindlessly in the basket without thinking about the price, and holding his black American Express card asking to leave a 1k tip for every worker there.

All the time he had his arm wrapped around you, pressing kisses to your forehead and rubbing at your tummy. You began feeling safe and clingy, it was rare for you to feel that way non sexually but the way Harry was acting dominant indirectly and taking care of you did things to your hormones.

You tugged at his jacket earning his attention quickly. "Did you like something baby?"

"Daddy I need you." You whispered in his ear and that was all it took for him to hand the basket to a worker giving him an extra 1k to deliver your purchases home before guiding you outside the store.

You barely reached your shared house before he ripped your dress off, smiling at the sight of your bare cunt knowing you are obeying his 'no panties' order.

"Poor baby you were waiting for me to give you my seed and take away the emptiness." He cooed as he thrusted inside of you. Despite his length, you were slowly getting used to the burn when he first plunged inside of you.

"Daddy please." Your whines were pathetic as he hit your cervix with every thrust, lacing his fingers with yours and sucking on your nipples.

"Sweetheart look at you so sensitive for me already, must be pregnant yeah? Or is it your body so eager for your husband to breed you?" Your brain felt like mush with his words, your pussy was swollen and sore from both being wet and getting fucked too much but you couldn't care less. All you wanted to feel was his cum leaking from you.

"That's it, sweetheart, just lay there and I'll do all the work, my pillow princess." He rubbed your clit with one hand and wrapped the other around your throat.

The warmth you were feeling in your cunt was unbearable, getting wet for Harry was effortless. The heat that would radiate off you was unbelievable.

"Daddyy..." You whimpered grabbing on to him like a koala as he delivered sharp plunges making you tear up from pleasure.

"Oh Baby, you feel so small don't you? Got a little excited to have my load." He groaned loudly when your cunt clenched around his cock ready to milk him dry.

He moved his hand to caress your cheekbones and mark your neck up with love bites, you tried to rub your face at his hand in an attempt to get his finger inside your mouth but he was too busy with wet kisses and massaging your g-spot.

He lifted his head when he heard you cry loudly with doe eyes and an open mouth as you stared at his hand. He placed his thumb in your mouth with a smirk watching you suck on it with a satisfied smile.

"Is that what you wanted princess? You're so good for me my best girl." You held on to his thumb with both hands as he rocked your body hitting the wall with the headboard at every thrust.

"Are you ready to let Daddy fill you up? Do you want to have his baby?" He could swear he was getting even harder at the sight of you sucking his thumb beneath him while your tits jiggled as he drilled himself inside of you.

"Daddy's cum.." You could barely make out what you were saying, your brain was so fuzzy and all you could think about was Harry's cock.

"Such a good girl, take it baby like you do every time." He moaned audibly when you came and clenched around him, resulting in his own orgasm as he filled you up to the brim.

His hips were glued to yours as he released inside of you watching the tears spill on your cheeks while you held his hand with his thumb in your mouth with the other wrapped around his neck, you kept mumbling 'more' with whines as he was barely done with his first load.

"My good girl, so deep in subspace, always good for her husband." He stroked your hair and pressed kisses to your face as he lulled you slowly from your subspace before going for another round.

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