A Family Guy*

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Summary: Your Fiancée's self control flew out of the window as soon as he heard news concerning your fertility.
Trope: CEO! Harry
Warnings: Breeding kink.
WC: 3k

Harry Styles is a busy man

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Harry Styles is a busy man.

He runs a manufacturing company that gained a reputation in the industry without any effort. Pleasing was nurtured from his love for pleasure and lust. He dedicated the past five years to growing his business and making sure it's known to everyone.

Many CEOs who become important and have hundreds of employees under their hands, tend to sit back and ignore their duties now that they have people to do their job. Harry despised those types of people and would not consider them businessmen.

He loved going to his office every day, it was a reminder of what he achieved and will continue to do. He loves greeting his employees as he walks inside the building, making sure that everyone is pleased with their job and that dissatisfaction is nonexistent.

Working is not something that he dislikes, he managed to remain a respectful gentleman instead of loading up his work on everyone. Perhaps that is why his company is successful, every single person does only what their designated major allows them to do, Harry grants them fair bonuses and vacations and is a nice boss. The safe environment he created was a huge factor in his success.

However, without his own inventions, Pleasing is merely a name. The only thing in the company that is solely managed by him and only him is the sex toys. Pleasing's fame came from a controversial ad where Harry appeared nude in a photoshoot with only his hand covering his hip. The more he was criticized, the more products he invented.

The ones he first began to make were the regular ones: dildos, straps ins, and vibrators. But everyone noted the shift in his inventions and how he came up with things that radiated pure lust. Little does everyone know that it was all thanks to you.

You and Harry met at his sex club, you had fun along with other members and that night was the best in his life. Not because it was an orgy, he's been involved in many ones before, but your sexual energy had him mesmerized. He waited for you to return and asked you out, he was apprehensive of your answer and thought you'd prefer to keep things strictly sexual but when you told him you'd only accept if he made you cum in five minutes, he knew that he found his future wife.

After that, you became his inspiration as Pleasing's name rose to fame and became the number-one sex toy company in the world. He created Panty Vibrators to tease you in public, long-distance sex toys for when he's travelling, suction toys to watch you wither before him, transparent plugs that suck in his cum so that he can watch how his seed is stored inside of you, butt plugs with all initials but only so he can see 'H' sitting pretty at your entrance, a double penetration vibrator that he uses as a 'warm up', vibrating dildos that he inserts in one of your holes while fucking the other, and last but not least cotton panties with 'Daddy' printed on the ass.

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