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Summary: Agent Harry cherishes discipline, but he doesn't like the fact that Y/n has been lacking it.
Trope: Agent!Harry
WC: 6.8k
Warnings: Mean Harry, shouting , angst, mention of blood tests and deficiencies , no smut.

8kWarnings: Mean Harry, shouting , angst, mention of blood tests and deficiencies , no smut

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Choosing to become an agent would either be the worst decision in your life or the best. In Harry's case, it was the latter.

He was born a leader-at least according to his mother. He had the household controlled from a young age, something that was perceived as adorable by adults.

But behind all his antics and "boss orders", was a man eager to assert dominance starting from his early years.

His behavior was a replica of a leader or a man in power. His mother didn't oppose his personality, perhaps a part of her thought it was just a phase, while the other was okay with it.

Little did she know that this stubborn young man would grow up to become one of London's best secret agents.

As some would say-he didn't choose the path, the path chose him. A fresh High School graduate eager to take a bite from what the world was offering him with little to no guidance.

Instead, he poured all of his focus on training like a man ready to enroll in the military-something that his mom disapproved of.

How could she allow her son, her boy to sign himself up like that?

Underneath his rough exterior and judgmental persona, his mother's beliefs were dear to him. To this day, no one has deemed himself as important as her, and perhaps no one ever will.

So, after her sudden death when he was merely twenty-he allowed himself to get lost in grief, to go against the orders he created, and betray his strictness. His body dragged him around from one place to another, asking for fights, a punch here and there to transfer his emotional maim to a physical one.

The last time he would do that was also his first chance at a new beginning. Drunk and out of his mind at a local bar, the whiskey still fresh on his tongue with rage bubbling in his core.

Just like every previous time, he ensued a fight for no reason. But this time, it was different because he had an admirer and more of a stalker.

Ezra Nakrosa, the director of the London Intelligence Agency. A man whose reputation preceded him and Harry's mentor for the upcoming years.

He wasn't actively pursuing him, but he kept his eyes on him after he managed to take down three men with alcohol in his system.

He watched him drink one glass after the other and scoffed to himself when he caused a fight. The last thing he expected was for Harry to outpower them all.

Since then, he watched him from afar, studied his file, and was even more interested upon finding out that he had no family.

The agency always preferred recruiting agents with little to no loved ones, for many obvious reasons and Ezra felt like he hit the jackpot.

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