Red Line*

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Summary: Harry doesn't hold back when he sees her flirting with another agent.
Trope: Agent!Harry
Warnings: Mean & Dom Harry, Oral, hair pulling, choking.
WC: 4k

Harry has been acting weird lately

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Harry has been acting weird lately.

She wants to believe that it's a coincidence, or that he's just delighting in his position as a superior, but she knows deep down that there's more to it.

His attitude towards her keeps changing, he's either completely stern or completely soft. The latter is more confusing for her given his persona. It's even more concerning when it's shown in front of other agents.

The only logical reasoning would be the physical relationship that they have. They hook up when he approaches her (which has been increasing lately). But getting on his nerves is her favorite activity, so sometimes she barges into his office or room and initiates the first move. Of course, she does that because he specifies that sex will happen only when he says so. Though his plan doesn't seem to work as he obliges to her wishes every single time and fucks her into the next training.

It started almost six months ago when he really had it with her during an important training. She talked back at him in front of relevant agents from a different country. He commanded her to leave and wait in his office where he was going to issue a punishment for her. That went completely sideways when the verbal discipline he wanted to perform turned into degradation as they screwed each other's brains.

They never actually agreed to a certain timing, Harry would simply show up and knock the air out of her lungs with a hungry kiss. He's someone who likes order in both his personal and professional life, her disobedience rendered her attractive to him in an odd way.

The nice outcome was the raw and dirty sex they had. The only orders she obeyed were the ones he gave her behind closed doors.

It isn't exactly an ideal position because intimate relationships are not to be found in the workplace; especially in this dangerous field. That wasn't supposed to be an issue since it was common knowledge that they hated each other's guts.

But did they really?

Harry's weird behavior did not go unnoticed by her, maybe it's just their chemistry increasing but at this point, she can't figure out anything. Lying to herself won't benefit her; she likes him and she really shouldn't but it's already too late.

He isn't a casual kisser but that changed recently. He attaches his mouth to hers the entire time as if they got glued somehow.

He developed the habit of resting his lips against her forehead during missionary, leaving a subtle kiss that she didn't even catch up on until a while after.

Despite the sexual energy they shared, the stolen glances and lingering touches, by far his lips subtly brushing against her face was the closest form of obedience he had ever experienced.

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