You Can Be The Boss*

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Summary: Harry can't stay away from you, and neither can his body.
Trope: CEO!Harry
Warnings: Slight Exhibitionism, breeding kink, cockwarming.

Being a CEO is never easy.

Harry could certainly witness to that. He's had meetings atop meetings for the past few months with security, insurance, construction, and interior design companies along with several other businessmen. The opening of the new branch in Italy turned out to be harder than Pleasing's debut.

It is one thing to rise from nothing and gain fame, and another thing to maintain it while focusing on having a family. Harry is unbelievably proud of his achievements, he was featured in Forbes under 30 merely a few months after his first Pleasing launch, sold over 2 million products in the first year, and heard stories of couples who met thanks to his company.

What he did is something that every young man dreams of, he knows that and has heard it in interviews about him. But how can he explain to the money-greedy people that his empire is nothing in front of you?

He could only sleep when you're near, wake up with your body around him, eat when you're with him, or if you remind him to. Every time he visits a certain store he is adamant about buying something, whether it be a chocolate bar or a Cartier necklace, Harry will spoil you.

He never really cared all about social events and didn't make a habit of attending until you became his. Sometimes he would take you with him, your arm joined with him, as he shows you off to everyone there with a proud smile on his face that says:" This is my girl, look at how pretty she is".

However, there were times when you'd barely put on your dress and heels before he had you against the wall as he fucked himself deep inside you whispering in your ear. "No, you're mine. For my eyes only."

It's safe to say that he discovered a whole new level of infatuation with you. But you certainly couldn't believe it when the pressure of Pleasing made him drift away from home that he suggested selling it.

"Harry, are you mad? You worked so hard!" You shouted in anger at your frustrated fiancée.

"Don't you get it? It's you. it's always you." He brought his lips to your temple pressing a long kiss as he inched your body closer to his.

You managed to knock some sense into his mind and lay out a work plan, as you organized his week while he pouted and demanded that you come into his office at least twice. You couldn't deny him, not when you miss him so much all day considering you are jobless.

Before you met him, you worked in finance and dreaded your job. It took him a while to convince you to quit, not because he wanted to be one of those men who flaunt providing for their wives. In fact, he wrote half of the company's assets in your name, all he ever wanted was for you to feel safe financially whether it be from a job or by just existing. He doesn't like the terms 'mine' and 'yours', simply anything he owns is immediately yours.

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