Patience Is A Virtue*

1.8K 7 3

Summary: In which he finds a road between punishment and pleasure.
Trope: CEO!Harry
Warnings: usage of pills, edging, usage of toys, anal, mastubration
WC: 4.1k

Harry sat in his home office, his fingers tapping on the keyboard and body relaxed in sweatpants and a white cotton shirt rather than a suffocating but of course stylish suit

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Harry sat in his home office, his fingers tapping on the keyboard and body relaxed in sweatpants and a white cotton shirt rather than a suffocating but of course stylish suit. That is what he considers the perks of working from home.

Every two weeks he grants his entire company a vacation of two days, whether they work in the company building itself, the factory, or in shipments and delivery services, every single employee is awarded a break. Not even security guards work, instead the building gets activated with advanced security methods such as a laser security system, sensors, and Pleasing robots designed specifically for protection mode.

He is supposed to be resting yes, but he is far too enthusiastic to do that. Harry understands the importance of breaks very well if he was overtiring himself, he wouldn't be doing this right now.

He is preparing a report concerning the plug he experimented with you earlier last month during your little role-play incident. It is by far one of the best products he ever invented and he smirks knowing you are the muse behind it.

Each time you had sex, you'd whine and pout when he pulls out, even when he comes inside you or tucks himself in all night, you'd wake up irritated because he slipped out due to your wetness and his cum as lubricants.

That boosted his ego, it really did. He thought of you as his amazing girl who's obsessed with his cock just as much as he is in love with your sweet cunt. And well, for you he'd do anything.

He is almost done with the report, he only needs to send it to the lab and then plan a meeting with the board for advertising purposes. He glances at the clock which indicates it's half past two.

He moves around the room, stretching his muscles to release the knots from the uncomfortable seating then heads to see where you are. You've been quiet this whole time. Too quiet.

His feet guide him to the kitchen where an empty cereal bowl lays unwashed. Odd, he thinks. You hate messy areas.

You can't be working out since you have a gym program together that most of the time ends with sweaty sex. Perhaps you're doing some yoga, and God he worships the body it gave you.

He makes his way up the stairs, to your shared bedroom and finds the door half open with low unusual sounds sounding from inside.

He peaks his head in slowly and supports his hand on the wall to find you laid back against the sheets, one hand holding a Pleasing vibrator to your cunt and the other roaming between your breasts, as you touch all around your body reaching your clit.

He is already hardening inside his pants, his cock straining against the fabric of his sweatpants, it's like your arousal and need for pleasure calls for his.

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