Little One

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Summary: A small glimpse into CEO Harry's past followed by a life changing news.
Trope: CEO!Harry
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy.

Harry knew that he wanted to be someone relevant when he was a kid

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Harry knew that he wanted to be someone relevant when he was a kid.

He observed that doctors were thanked for their service, engineers for their genuineness, and architects for their dedication. He was eager to have a similar experience and wash his ego with such praise.

Whatever he decides to do, would be for the greater good. Small gestures or even small actions are still as important, especially when others do not see it.

As Harry grew up, he found himself fleeing away from science. It's not that he disliked it, in fact, he was a genius at biology, yet he couldn't imagine it as a career. He found solace in art classes, he'd draw sketches until the bell rang and sometimes his teacher would let him stay because he never realized that class was over.

First, it started as a habit. Drawing doodles to pass the time whenever boredom strikes. Then, it became an outlet for his biology obsession. Delicately move the pencils to focus on the vein, give the artery more shadow, and maybe memorize the anatomy using his drawings.

But teenagers are complicated and jump fast from one obsession to another. Deep down he had a soft spot for biology, but he left it aside and focused on something more revolutionary.

When he discovered his love for lust in college, he was more than obsessed and not in a hormonal frat boy way. He'd daydream about his partners, their bodies and skin, how long he could tease them, how much his and their bodies could take.

It consumed his thoughts day and night but especially his drawings. With the consent of his hookups, he'd use his vision and sex appeal that would create a sketch full of lust and gift it to them as a memoir.

The world was so different back then. The idea of sex and pleasure wasn't appealing to everyone and neither was exploration. Rumors were spread about him, how he fucks his partners and doesn't pursue any further relationships. He never really addressed anything, because he knew that behind closed doors, his number one rule was no attachment.

By being aware of his honesty he had nothing to worry about. At least the rumors did include how good he was at sex but he wouldn't call that a rumor.

He was shamed for his love for lust along with his interest in exploring his sexuality. The other frat boys wrote slurs on his textbooks and car just for being seen kissing a boy. He didn't care or respond. It's quite pathetic that his preference pissed other people off.

He does remember one specific partner who helped him explore the most. She was into toys and helped him delve deeper into pleasure yet it wasn't a surprise when she'd ask to quit the toys because they weren't as comfortable or pleasing.

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