Checkmate (Part 2)

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Summary: The tension between Harry and Poppy gets cut. What really happened a few years back and do assassins have hearts?
Trope: Assassin H/ LHH
WC: 11k
Warnings: M@rder, injections, angst.
A/n: Read part 1 first!!

In all her years, Poppy never made a mistake or went out of line for something less than perfection

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In all her years, Poppy never made a mistake or went out of line for something less than perfection. She is both beauty and brains.

Everyone she ever came across envied her starting from the girls at the institute during her childhood, to random passers in the street who got struck by her charming aura.Her moves are well calculated to aid her in any mission or even plans concerning her personal life.

Gaining a reputation in the Assassination field was barely an obstacle for her. It is not the clients that ask for her, it's quite the opposite. She knows how to catch someone's attention and when to do that.

It wasn't long before she got one phone call after the other, postcards, and letters begging her to take their offer.

But this. This is nothing close to sanity or well-thought-out plans. This is madness, the forbidden apple, her heart's dominance.

It is her Harry.

Harry whose lips touched hers at the ripe age of sixteen, taught her how to throw a deadly punch and gave her the name she goes by.

Out of all the assassinations she's done, she was never taught to look at someone who had a piece of her with him and pretend to be fine.

She held an ache in her heart for years and years, never even dared to scratch at it—but the mere idea of being Harry's crime partner has her vessels bursting.

Poppy; strong, resilient, poisonous, turned into an ordinary soft tulip in the presence of her angel.

The angel of death.

The name accredited to him was not a coincidence nor a fun passive nickname made by friends (not that they had any).

He earned it with both the sweat on his forehead, and the blood of a stranger that painted his hands, more often than it should've.

In the same year, he lost his soul and took another. First, when he pressed his lips to Poppy's, she snatched it out of his body and rumor has it that she would keep a hold of it until eternity. Then, his first mission came. With a confident posture, increased heartbeat, and a lucky charm, he took away a life for the first time.

The angel of death is invincible, untouchable even—yet his soul does not belong to him. It is hers.

After that, not only did their circumstances change but their fates as well. Harry grew hungry for power. The praise he received from everyone at the institution deemed him a successful young assassin who was highly requested.

They had him training day and night, sent him to missions with more experienced assassins, and strengthened his stamina in unimaginable ways—but the cruelest lesson of them all was separating him from Poppy. The keeper of his soul.

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