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Harry is ascending to heaven, he's sure of that

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Harry is ascending to heaven, he's sure of that.

He must be one of the lucky ones who were chosen to be blessed in their lifetime. He can't quite remember what good deed he did to deserve this-but he's not letting her get away.

His ears were ringing and he felt dizzy, almost lost himself for a hot minute before remembering to keep his eyes on her. It would be a shame to close them.

His eyes couldn't get enough of staring at her perfect body, right in front of him.

"So fucking beautiful." He panted, his hands frantically roaming her skin.

She only responded with a soft whine, trying to keep up and ignore the cramping in her legs. She needed his cock, needed to ride him, no matter how tiring. She wanted to show him that she's his good girl and that she can work for his cock to earn it.

It was hitting her sweet spongy spot, daring her to fall against Harry's chest and beg him to fuck her.

But no, she bounced like a good girl on his creamy cock that was shining with a mix of their juices. She felt like their lower bodies were on fire-the heat bubbling up in her core was euphoric.

"Pretty girl showing daddy how much she loves his cock." He praised her, moving a few hair strands from her face, before patting her head.

Damn right, she loved it.

The sound of skin slapping and her soft whines had him rolling his eyes. But again-he couldn't keep his eyes away for too long. Her breasts were in his face, jiggling with every bounce, begging him to knead them and have a taste.

He untied her hair allowing it to cascade down her back. He adored her hair and loved giving her head scratches but most importantly he craved pulling it while he thrusted into her from behind.

"Gonna light me up with how warm your pussy is baby." His raspy voice wasn't helping her neediness, after all, she was in desperate need of his cock.

"N-need it." She managed to confess through ragged breathing. The view he had may be sinful but hers is sending her straight to hell.

He was laid back against the headboard, a hint of a grin spread across his pretty face. His beard was still covered in her cum from when he worshipped her earlier.

His hair, so messy from the tugging yet still curly. She couldn't help but glance down at his chest, a line of sweat trailing down to his chiseled abs that contracted under the dim light.

Not only can she feel how wet and messy they are but she can also hear it. In fact, his pelvis was already coated.

His pupils were blown and his lips were slightly parted in awe. He raked his eyes quickly from where they were connected, watching her sink on his length, to her gorgeous face and chest.

But-he can't quite forget the setup he made. He placed a tall mirror behind them, so he can glance at it and get a good view of her back and ass that was red.

"Is that all you got princess, hmm? Thought you were my good girl." He landed a harsh slap on her already sensitive cheeks.

"I-am." He swore that she almost cried right there and then. He knows how uncomfortable the position must be and still-she fastened her pace.

"Shhhh baby, just take my cock. It'll help your greedy cunt to rest." He mocked, not forgetting to degrade her for her sigh of relief once he pushed inside-it was like her cunt needed his cock to survive.

His hands roamed her back which arched when he purposely thrusted all of a sudden. Her head rolled backward as she clenched on his swollen cock. She was his fucking sex goddess.

He couldn't stop exploring her back as his ears listened to her beautiful whines and whimpers. He initially mocked her, asking her if she was ovulating-but maybe her pussy is just made for his cock.

He could tell that she was starting to get tired, her forehead dropped against his as she panted and held eye contact with him. His hand rested on her ass, rubbing over the red skin.

"Poor bunny, got tired already?" She nodded quickly, slowing down her pace.

"Then I should make use of this hole, right?" His deep voice went straight to her core as she whispered 'please Daddy."

He really felt like passing out from how good she felt, so warm and wet. Just for him.

He dug his heels into the mattress and placed his hands on her bruised hips before grinning at her and thrusting inside her.

"Need to do everything for you." His thrusts were rough, and she could feel him in her stomach. "Always have to fuck this cunt or else you'll drool like a puppy in heat." The degrading went through her brain, making her moan like crazy.

He was feral with his pounding, she knew that she'd be sore for days to come. But she also knew that he would kiss her pussy to ease the pain.

She already came twice, almost came for the third time from riding him but she couldn't continue. With his current rough force, she won't last long.

He was so raw and primal-his tongue nipped at her skin, just anywhere. She could feel his rapid heartbeats, the thickness of his swollen length pulsing inside her as he fucked her repeatedly.

And god-don't even ask her about his naked body, how his thighs and pelvis would look right now, all wet and coated from her juices. If she wasn't already wrecked-he'd ask her to clean it up with her tongue.

"Cum inside me." She begged as she held his face in her hands.

"Yeah? Is that what you want? My hot load inside of your cunt?" He teased, giving her deep slow thrusts.


"Hmm, maybe that'll tame your pussy." He pulled her hair roughly, and the sting of her scalp combined with his creamy cock was enough to tip her over the edge.

She trembled on his length, nails digging into his skin as she moaned his name like a mantra. His orgasm followed hers in a few seconds, unable to resist the clenching and pulsing of her warm pussy.

His hot cum painted her walls white, prompting them to moan louder as they kissed. The feeling of his cum deep inside her was like nothing else.

"My baby, so good for me." He held her against his chest, as he pressed kisses to her face.

Sweat adorned their bodies and the smell of sex filled the room. He rubbed soothing patterns on her back before whispering to remind her of the bubble bath they had to take.

She simply replied by leaving a peck on his lips and moving herself again on his sensitive cock.

An insatiable little devil.

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