Cole and Peter- Part 5

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Two best friends In a room, they might kiss.
Yes we will.
I said, yes we will.


Cole's pov-

I was starring at Peter and then he pressed his lips against mine again, this time with more force. He put both his hands on the sides of my head and I pressed Into him. Our lips moved against each other and are breathing was heavy. We tilted our heads to opposite sides and kept moving against each other. Our lips just felt perfect together. Like they were puzzle pieces, made for each other.

I felt him stick his tongue out and lick my lips. I didn't know how I felt about that. But I did the same to him. Our lips and tongues touched, over, and over and over again.

Eventually we broke away to catch our breaths. Our eyes stayed close as our foreheads rested against each other.

"Damn." I said under my breath.
He softly laughed at that. It was obvious he heard It. We were so close, I swear I could hear his heart beating. Or maybe It was just my own heart racing.

I however, did not hear the steps getting closer until...

Peter jumped away from me and went back to his desk, grabbing some papers to look like he was doing something...something not involving me...

His mother opened the door and I tried not to look In her direction. I was so confused and disoriented. I hoped that she didn't see or hear anything.

"Boys, I'm going to make some dinner. If you want to stay for dinner Cole, just ask your mom again, okay?" She said.

"Uh, sure. I will." I said and grabbed my papers off the floor.

She walked away and back down the stairs. After we heard heard her footsteps In the kitchen, Peter sighed heavily and put his head in his desk.

Should I say something?...what even happened? So much happened so quick...

"Um. Peter. you want me to s-stay for dinner?" I said, not knowing what else to say.

"You should go home." He said and I heard what sounded like "Probably." Under his breath.

I grabbed my stuff and stood up. I looked towards Peter and I felt a warm, tingling sensation on my lips. Then I turned to the door and left.

As I walked home I thought about what happened. We were doing our school work, playing games. Then he laid down beside me on the floor and started helping me with math. And It felt like he was a magnet being pulled towards me, but trying not to touch me. I could feel the warmth from his body and the way he smiled, when I got a equation right...It made me feel, something.

I liked messing with him and I couldn't hold back, so I got on top of him and made him agree to play truth or dare. Then we had a emotional talk, he made me do push-ups (which were hard for me to do, but my ego wouldn't let me lose) then...the uh...staring contest...his lips, his hands In my hair. Oh and the way he looked at me and whispered...

Before I knew It I was home. I felt like I was In a dream but the cool air reminded me that this was real. That was real. I also realized that I was smiling thinking about him.

I walked In and my mom was on the couch, watching something on the tv.

"Oh hey, honey. Where have you been? With Peter? Probably." She said with a smile.

"Uh, yeah...Peter..."

"I didn't know If you were gonna be home for dinner. Do you want me to make something?" She asked.

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