Cole and Peter- Part 17

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(This will be a rough chapter... Get ready.)

(Not my video or song.)

[***Trigger warning: Hateful words, homophobia, fighting]

(Also, I don't know what to name Mrs and Mr Driscol. They don't have first names In the books.
So 🤷🏼‍♀️, unless I find some fitting names I'll just have to call them that. But I'm not sure If they deserve names.)


Cole's pov-

"Hey, Peter. Do you want to go get a slushee with me?" I asked as I put on my shoes. It was a nice day out, so why not go out?

"Mmm. Sure." He said, getting up to put on his shoes.

"We're going out for awhile, mom!" I yelled out then we walked down to the gas station. Little did I know about what would happen...

"I want the raspberry one." I said as I filled up the cup to the very top.

"Um, blue raspberry Is better." Peter said judging me.

"Blue raspberry Isn't even real." I said looking at him.

He glared at me, "Don't. Even. Go. There." He said while pointing his finger at me.

"Alright, alright. Just get your slushee. Both flavors are good and I personally like the coke one more. But they don't have It here." I said.

"Cole and Coke. I guess I would be Peter and Dr. Pepper. Mmm, I haven't had soda In so long." Peter mumbled.

"Let's go pay for these." I said.

"Um, no. How about you pay. I didn't bring any money." He said sipping his blue raspberry slushee.

"Fine. I'll be your sugar daddy." I said In a monotone voice then laughed. I paid for our slushees then we walked down the street, talking about random stuff.

Something suddenly caught my attention. Like someone staring at me? Kind of like when the spirit bear was around. It was a sort of sixth sense. Feeling like another being was around, even If you couldn't see them.

Peter stopped dead In his tracks. What was It? What's going on? I thought then noticed him looking across the street. Turning my head to see what It was...

Peter's parents stood on the opposite side of the street, staring at us... oh, no.

We grabbed each others hands tightly and ran back In the direction of my house, as quickly as we could. We were still holding our slushees as we raced down the sidewalk, them shaking and spilling out.

After a few moments we slowed down, out of breath. We looked back to see If they followed us or If anyone saw us running away like freaks In a apocalypse or something.

I looked at Peter, he was trying to catch his breath as he was staring back. My heart felt like It was beating out of my chest. Feeling so worried and scared. I could only imagine how Peter was feeling.

"P-Peter?" I said out of breath. "Are you okay?"

As he looked towards me, I could see his face was red, from running. His eyes show how worried and scared he was. Our hands were still holding each other tightly.

"Let's get home. We're not to far now." I said and we quickly walked back home.
Slamming the door closed behind us and locking It.

"Cole? Peter? What's going on?" My mom asked.

Peter hugged me tightly, his face pressing against my chest. "It's okay, baby." I said reassuringly and rubbing his back.

"Okay, seriously. What's going on!? Are you two okay!?" My mom asked worriedly, walking up to us.

The TSB fanfic 🐻‍❄️🌊🔪🌲 (Cole x Peter)Where stories live. Discover now