Cole and Peter- Part 18

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(Video and song Isn't mine. I first heard the song In the show- Heartstopper.)

(This chapter will be a continuation of the last one, so still a rough chapter.)

[Trigger warning: Hateful words, homophobia, family issues, fighting.]


Once the door was opened, more like tore down. There was nothing standing between me and Mr. Driscol anymore.


"You. Where Is my son!" He yelled, stepping closer to me."What the f### did you do to him!? I'll get you arrested for touching him! You f##king pervert!" He was yelling right In my face, trying to push me back. But I wasn't going to let him inside. He wouldn't get near Peter.

"Your never going to see him again! You don't even care about him! He hates you!" I yelled back.

"You don't decide what my son does! He's my son! I'm his father!" He yelled angrily, trying to push past me.

"He's old enough to do what he wants! You can't control him! He's not yours to have!" I yelled back, blocking his way.

"You better let me In there!" He said, pointing his finger. "Peter's my son! Not your toy, you sick freak!"

"You need to get out of here, now." I said seriously, trying to hold back what little sanity I had left. I was blinded by rage. But so was he. At least I was fighting for a good reason, to protect my family.

"Your a f##king faggot!" He yelled again. That It...

I lunged towards him, pushing his Into the yard. He stumbled then got his balance, now coming at me. Getting ready for what was about to happen, I stood firmly, fist In front of me.

He ran at me fast, jaw clenched, teeth showing like a rabid dog. I quickly stepped to the side, dodging him. He fell, hitting the hard concrete path. Standing up to face me, with a bloody lip. He did even care, he just wanted to fight.

Memories of those years came back to me, not caring about the pain, filled with rage, just wanting to fight. Wanting to win. Instead of being beat down.

But this was different. I had to do this.

He ran at me again, this time I didn't try to dodge.
My right arm was to useless, so I prepared my left hand. Pulling It back, then launching forward. Striking him right In the face.

Even though my left arm wasn't as strong as my right used to be, I've gotten pretty good using It. But It has been awhile since I've punched something. Looking down at my hand to see It bruised.

He was on his knees, holding his head In pain. But still got up for more. He didn't want to give up and I wasn't going to back down.

As he got closer, he tried to throw a punch, missing me. I quickly moved around him, not standing In one spot. When his back was to me, I kicked him forward, making him stumble. Even with a bum leg and arm, I was tired of being beat up. This would be the end of It.

We continued to move around, throwing and dodging punches. Like boxers In a ring, circling around like birds, hopping around like rabbits, kicking like kangaroos and charging like bulls.

He was bruised and bloody, still trying to fight. But I never let him touch me.
"Is that all you got? Old man." I said, taunting him.

"I'll kill you, you f##king  faggot! Your a pedophile! You shouldn't be around my son!" He shouted. Neighbors started to turn on their lights, looking out to see what was happening. No one dared to step between us.

Blood dripped down from his face, he stood like a zombie. Completely out of It, confused and fighting like a drunk.

"Cole! Stop this!" My mom yelled our worriedly. Still standing inside, not wanting to watch.

What am I doing!? I stared at him again then towards my mother, my fist loosening and arms at my sides. What did I do?...this Is bad.

"Cole! Look out!" My mom yelled, then a felt a hard blow to the side of my face. Stumbling back and falling onto the ground. Confused about what just happened.

He hit me... He hit me...

"Cole!" My mom yelled worriedly. He looked towards my mom and ran towards the door. No...
I jumped up to my feet, running right to him, grabbing him before he could get In, tackling him. Both of us landing hard on the ground. Why wouldn't he give up!? How long has this been going on!?

I tried to hold him down but he kept moving and fighting. He kneed me hard, I rolled off and curled up In pain. Hard kicks hit my body, blow after blow. Peter did the same thing on the island...

More and more pain developed with every hit. "Get off of him!" A voice yelled out. Please help me, I thought.
"Enough!" The voice called out. Mr. Driscol left me and went towards the other person. As I caught my breath and looked up, I was caught by surprise.

The other person was holding Mr. Driscol by his shirt, I couldn't see his face since It had gotten darker outside. But then I knew who It was,
"Don't you ever hurt my son." The other man said sternly. My dad.

"Get the f##k out of here, now!" He yelled at Mr. Driscol, who was covered In bruises and blood. He probably need to go to the hospital by now, and definitely needs to be arrested. Where are the cops? Why didn't anyone try to stop the fight?


"Dad?" I coughed out, laying down on the ground In pain and exhausted. The anger distracted me from everything, but now I was started to realize what just happened.

"Cole." He said softly, letting go of Mr. Driscol and running over to me. "Cole, w-what happened?" He asked, gently placing his hand on my side.

"Is Peter okay?" I muttered.

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