Cole and Peter- Part 10

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((Tigger warning- abusive nature, hateful words, gay hate.))

(Not my photo)


Peter's pov-

Another week went by, me and Cole hanging out everyday, Keith starting to get closer to us, school of course. It was feeling repetitive, but as long as Cole was around, I didn't care.

One night I came home and my parents were upset.

"Peter! Where have you been! Do you know what time It Is!?" My mother shouted to me.

"I'm sorry, mom. We were just hanging out again. I lost track of time.

"You missed dinner and we never see you anymore. You need to stop hanging around with Cole! And Keith too." My mom said angrily.

"We can spend time together this weekend. Have some family time, okay?" I said quietly. I just wanted to run up to my room.

"Peter!" My dad shouted walked In sight. "You will, be spending the weekend with your family! And you will spend less time with your friends! You should be focusing on school! Not running around playing every day!" My dad shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry...I will." I said quietly with my head down, hoping I could get away from this.

"Go to your room! You will not be spending anymore time with your "friends" for awhile! You need to learn to focus on the important things! Go upstairs now." My dad shouted while pointing up the stairs.

I slightly nodded and made my way upstairs. At least I could be alone up here. I felt tears well up In my eyes. Why didn't they understand!? They were so scared and worried about me last year, with everything going on. Now they don't care about me at all. I'm just a disappointment to them, mainly my dad. He never thought I was enough.

I cried Into my pillow and eventually fell asleep, holding a stuffed animal Cole gave to me.
I didn't want my parents to hear me cry. But It's not like they would care...they would just yell at me more.

The next morning I didn't feel like getting up. I hugged my stuffed animal tighter, trying to ignore the house I was In.

"Time to get up Peter!" My dad shouted, opening my door quickly and loudly.

The loud noise startled me, my heart beating hard and fast. I pulled my blanket over my head, trying to hide.

He walked over to my bed.
"It's time to get up! We will be spending the whole weekend together, so get ready." He shouted at me.

"It's so early though." I said while checking the time.

"Oh and, you will not be allowed your phone for the rest of the weekend!" He grabbed my phone, putting It In his pocket.

I felt so uncomfortable without It. What If I needed Cole!? He wouldn't know why I wasn't answering him or If anything happened to me.

Getting up, forcibly, wasn't a good way to start our "family time" What a joke. We weren't a family...

"What are we going to do then?" I asked my parents while we ate breakfast. There was a thick tension between us. It was going to be a long weekend.

"We're going camping, getting away from the city for awhile. I'm going to teach you somethings." My dad said. on the island? But with my dad instead of fun...

"Why camping? I was already on a island for about a year." I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. But my dad sing like jokes.

"Because It will be good for you. And you need to learn some things. Your also going to stop hanging around Cole so much!" My dad strongly.

The TSB fanfic 🐻‍❄️🌊🔪🌲 (Cole x Peter)Where stories live. Discover now