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Jimmy's got a crush

Jimmy: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid.
Scott: You always act stupid. ... Wait...

How the Wither Rose Alliance wins knife fights

Emperor Joey: I will win the knife fight by bringing more knives!
Count fWhip of the Grimlands: I will win the knife fight by bringing a large gun!
Pearl: I will win the knife fight with my bare hands and my bare hands alone!
Wizard Gem: I will win the knife fight by simply stopping the knife fight from happening!
Lord Sausage: And I am just here to see whatever happens next!

Their stab wound

Xornoth: *making a big fuss over Scott attempting to stab himself to save the world*
Scott of Rivendell: Don't be so fussy; this isn't our stab wound.
Xornoth: Actually, yes it is.

Lizzie's fall

Ocean Queen Lizzie: *falls from a high place*
King Joel: Lizzie! Are you all right?!
Ocean Queen Lizzie: Don't worry, Joel, I'm fine; I landed on some slime and it broke my fall.
Codfather Jimmy: *who has slime on his head* Yeah... Slime...


Jimmy: So I was bringing Scott his soup, and I was trying to say, 'here's your soup' and 'careful, it's hot', so instead I just blurted, 'Careful, it's soup!'

Scott's idiot

Scott: I never understood why people are so protective of their idiots until I got one of my own. I've only had Jimmy for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.

Joey can't stop swearing

Pirate Joe: Shut the *"@# up!
Princess Katherine: Joey, stop swearing!
Pirate Joe: I can't, they just slip out of me!
Princess Katherine: Just say 'beep'.
Pirate Joe: ₱?&# the beep up.
Princess Katherine: ...
Pirate Joe: SHUT! I meant 'shut'!

Glowing ducks

Ocean Queen Lizzie: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks.
Count fWhip of the Grimlands: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
King Joel: I think that’s the point. Ocean Queen Lizzie: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.

Jimmy's proposal

Jimmy: *sweating* Scott, there’s something I need to ask you-
Scott: Finally! You’re proposing!
Jimmy: How’d you know?
Scott: Jimmy, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. I even picked it up once.


Pirate Joe: *stomping miserably into the room* Now I know why the soap is called 'Downy'.
Sausage of Sanctuary: Why?
Pirate Joe: Because they make you feel down! Oli said that maybe Katherine would take me out if I cleaned myself up, but even after I covered everything in Downy, Katherine still told me to take a bath!
Sausage of Sanctuary: That's because you sprinkled the powder all over your clothes and wore it without even washing.

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