4.) Who's the new guy?

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Myra Montgomery
"That would be me m'lady"
I turn around to the sound of the voice. It was a boy with a 2 hockey sticks, a Jason mask, a scarf, black hair, brown eyes, and a gap.

     "Sorry Casey your not my type. I prefer dread-heads." I sarcastically smile pointing a finger.
      "Awh man." Casey frowns putting his equipment by the door. I sit down at the counter and Casey follows.

     "What would you all like?" Murakami gestured.

       "Can you make some pizza gyoza please? For all three." April replies pointing to her, me, and Casey. I side eye her and Casey peeks over from my left to look at her, confused as well. Murakami nods and heads into the back

         "April what the hell is pizza gyoza." I asked annoyed. Now why the hell i can't get my pork gyoza.

       "Yeah red, what is that?" Casey questioned as well.
         "Trust me you guys are gonna love it there delicious!" April exclaimed excited. You look at Casey and he shrugs.

Me and Casey both answer. Murakami then comes out with 3 boards of pizza gyoza. I mean, the gyoza did smell good and looked good. But don't judge a book by its cover.

        "You'know your drooling right?" April says with a smirk on her face. I immediately wipe my mouth. I nervously pick up the gyoza with the chopsticks and take a bite.


          I look at Casey with wide eyes and he looks back at me with the same face.

         "Wait, wait, wait, wait." I said holding two hands up to the food getting up and backing away.
I put my finger by my lips and do a little dance.

          "It's good huh?" April barley gets out as she laughs. Casey starts howling too.

           I spin around laughing too until I look out the window and notice a shadow on the top of the building. Actually it wasn't just one shadow, it was four. Did one of them have, katanas? Holy shit.

I can hear April and Casey slowly stop laughing to catch their breaths before everything goes silent. I walk closer to the window and make eye contact. Direct eye contact. With a fucking shadow with katanas.

        "Hey Myra! Casey's gonna eat all your food if you let it get cold." April blurts while nervously laughing.

     "What?!" I snap towards Casey holding one of my gyoza over his mouth.

       "Si te comes esa gyoza, te patearé el culo." I said angrily while rolling up my sleeves and storming towards him.

         "Wait, wait, wait, Myra, M, M'ster we can talk about this." Casey stutters as he set the gyoza down holding up his hands. I barley give him time to talk as I jump onto him tackling him to the ground.

Very girly screams can be heard from Murakami-sans place for the rest of the night.

        April, Myra, and Casey are walking home laughing together. Well, just April and Myra laughing at Casey. They stop at Myra's building and she waves them off before going inside.

"Maybe New York is that bad. But I'll never tell April that."

April O'Neill
April and Casey walks through the sewers and into the lair.

     "What we're you guys doing up there?" April questioned putting her hand on her hips.

    Raph and Mikey look at each other, then at   Donnie, he then looks at April and nervously laughs.

      "I, I mean we, just wanted to make sure you were safe. We-"
      "Didn't know your friend would see us" Leo walks out cutting Donnie off and everyone looks at him. April sighs and Casey scratches his head before going up to Raphael and dabbing him up.

       "I'm actually surprised she saw us." Raphael spoke as he reads his comic.

        "Yeah! Girl must be psychic!" Mikey added jumping up knocking the comic out of Raph's hands.


Raph slaps Mikey in the back of the head sitting him down on the floor again. Everyone looks at the two in disbelief.

     "April, I promise your friend won't see us." Leo assures holding her shoulder. Donnie fuming in the background.
        "Good. Cause she's starting to get comfortable. I don't want her to go back to square zero." She says as she goes up to Donnie and kisses him on the cheek. Raph and Mikey gagging in disgust.

Yes I made Donnie and April a couple but trust me. She's nice and reasonable. She doesn't use him or anything that happens with their storyline in the show. I guarantee.
Myra and her mom may speak Spanish at random times so I will have translate in comments.




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