22.) Cheering him up

47 2 0

Myra Montgomery
I was walking back and forth pacing around the room. The date was great, but I didn't want him to be mad, I would never want that. Pushing my issues onto him was such a stupid decision.

Now he's fucking pissed. I hope he doesn't strangle Raph out of spite.

I walk over to my phone and go to Leo contacts.

                                Mi favourite turtle

                                                                  Yo leo

Yes beautiful?

Ok the nickname was adorable and was making me buckle, but now was not the time.

                                                               Are you mad?

No, why would I be?

                                  You sure? News looked it hit
                                          you pretty hard.

Yeah I'm alright
                                    Yeah no I'm coming to see you

I turn off my phone and start grabbing some stuff to put in my bag. Mom was asleep in her room so I walk in and kiss her on the forehead and walk out. I leave a note on the table and exit the apartment.

I run and clumsily slide past the lair before entering and pushing Donnie aside when walking down from his lab.

"Where is Leo?" I look around frantically out of breath. They all point to his room and I run inside.
The room was dead silent. Thick, unsettling tension in the air.

"I told you I didn't want anyone inside my roo-" He stops as he looks up at me. I give him a weak wave before lazily dragging my feet across the ground and falling onto his lap.

"I knew you weren't okay. You look like you could use a hug," I hold my arms out and he embraces me.

"Please don't tell me your still thinking about Amala," I look at him and his leg starts moving up and down.

"To think that someone could just hurt a person like you and be on with their life, happy," I sigh cup his face.

"Please, if I stayed any longer I would've went mad, I'm honestly glad she cheated on me, if not I wouldn't have been able to meet you," The tension slowly dies down.

"Whenever I think of her I just tell myself, oh please as if that bitch can keep all of this on her, she can't even afford this full course meal, so fuck that whore!" I exclaimed holding up the middle fingers in the air.

"Oh! Well if it comes to her I wouldn't mind that," He holds my arms making me put my middle fingers down.

"Who would? And you look like you need another hug," I give him another hug and he hugs me back.

"You really do light up the room," He smiles at me.

"Anytime," I give him a thumbs up and we both laugh. I get up from his lap and stick my upper body outside the door.

"Alright, he's cool now!" I hold out a thumbs up and the brothers just look at me confused. I'm then pulled back in by my waist.

"Can you, perhaps stay longer?" He holds me firmly and I close the door and smile.

"Of course," We both cuddle up on the bed. I lay on top of him as he gently but firmly rubs my back. I might actually fall asleep from this not even gonna lie.

The soft pumping of his heartbeat makes my body lean into his comfortably. A deep rumble escapes his chest just like the same one from last night.

I love you

I will never understand how i can interpret what that noise means. Although, being able to understanding what it means, I just can't help but smile.

"You gettin quite comfortable with that," I sit up and he looks at me confused.

"You did it again, the little uh, I have no idea what to call it," I fidget with the strap around his chest. Wait a minute now. I know this is not what I think this is.

"Wait, pause what you're going to say, are you wearing seatbelts?" I point at the strap across his chest and start getting up in disbelief.

"No, wait, I know like I know like I know, there is no possible way," I laugh while pointing at his chest. He sits up frowning. I fall to my knees slamming my fist on the wall.

"Are you done?" He asked, slightly annoyed. In response I cackle louder.

"I, im, im so, s- sorry!" I barley get out as I continue laughing when I look at his face.

"Yes they're seatbelts, next question," He fold his arms but is now grinning slightly. I compose myself but can't help and let out a few snickers and giggles.

"But why do you keep doing that noise?" I look up at him and he starts looking around embarrassed.

"It's no reason, don't worry," He shrugs it off and I smirk.

"Oh, is that so?" I walk over standing between his legs and lifting his chin. "I'm starting to get a little curious now, there's nothing wrong with telling me now is it?" He starts struggling to form words.

"Uh, I, uh," He stutters and glances away with bright pink cheeks. Oh, I might be into this.

"Your so adorable," I  giggle while make him look at me. I then trail my finger under his chin leaving his head hanging as I walk away and and grab my stuff.

"It's fine, you don't have to tell me today, you can always tell me tomorrow, or the next," I wave him off. Also, to add the cherry on top, as I walk out of his room I look back and blow him a kiss.

I then open and close the door. Yeah, I'm definitely into submissive men. Wait, I have never done that before. Why the hell did I do that now?!

I bang my head on the wall embarrassed. Then again, it was kinda adorable. I might start doing it more often. Maybe I can even- ok nope nope nope head out of the gutter.

"Wow, you're better when it comes to flirting with people than April," Raph points at April while smirking. Wait, that means. Oh. My. God. They saw everything, heard everything.

"Never expected him to pull a freak like you though, Casey and April told me the stories," I facepalm at myself and at Raph.

"Yeah, I'm out," Mikey whines before hopping up and grabbing my arm.

"You're leaving already? Can't you stay a little longer?" He starts giving me puppy eyes. I sigh and turn to him.

"No," I answered bluntly. "Came here for one person, finished that job, now I'm out, peace!" I hold up the peace sign while walking out. Still cannot believe I actually did that. Smack on the head for me.

-1126 words

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