Part 6

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I did not expect to see him there. Let alone try to help me. He looked different today; he was looking happier than yesterday. He had asked me about my classes, and when I was about to answer, I saw a beautiful girl, who I think was his girlfriend, pull him by the hand and start talking to him. I felt silly to just stand there and watch them talk about something. I could then see that the girl started to cry. Okay, now it was getting uncomfortable. I turned away quickly and headed up the stairs to my class in the direction that he had mentioned earlier. I couldn't help but feel some sadness in my heart when I saw his girlfriend. She was gorgeous in every way, and I was nowhere close to her.

I pushed the thoughts behind my mind as I entered my French language class. He was in no way interested in me. Why was I feeling bad? I took the seat nearest to the door and proceeded to listen to class.

After all my classes were done for the day, I met Joel on the way outside, and we decided to have coffee. It turns out Joel was from here and stayed with his parents. He has an older brother who works with his dad. He also wanted to join their firm. He has a girlfriend of 2 years named Rachel, and they were pretty serious; she was still in high school, and I got all that information from a cup of coffee. He talked a lot, which was okay because I also happen to talk a lot. I told him all about my family, and he listened as patiently as I did. We shared a lot of common qualities and instantly hit it off. After finishing our coffees, we headed out. The next few weeks passed by quickly, and it was Friday today. Joel and I formed a routine where we would meet up during lunch and after all our classes to have coffee.

"Hey, Emma There is a party tonight at one of the soccer team players' houses. Do you maybe want to go with me? He invited me during one of my classes, and I really don't want to go alone!" he asked me while opening the door of the coffee house.

"Umm... I don't think so, Joel. Don't get me wrong. Parties and I don't get along. I would just do something stupid and end up embarrassing you, I replied.

"Please Emma. I don't want to go alone, and Rachel would be glad if I went with a friend rather than alone. Please think about it, he pouted as he said that.

"Okay fine. I'll go with you. You owe me one!" I say, laughing.

"Yes! ...I'll come by your dorm, say at 8? " he says, stopping me by my arm.

"Sure... but we are leaving the instant I get bored", I say, still laughing and walking towards my dorm.

"Done!" he says and leaves for his house.

I walk back to my room and find it empty again. Haley's bed was empty. I put my bag down and laid down on the bed. My mind kept thinking about Justin. "Nope, not going to think about him... He has a girlfriend!" I say to myself, unpacking the rest of my things and picking out something to wear to the party.

Time flew by, and before I knew it, I had to get ready for the party. I put on black jeans and a blue t-shirt. I think of wearing a dress, but I am not very comfortable with the idea. So I stick with the jeans. I curl my hair and apply a little mascara, and I decide it is enough. I didn't want to stand out too much.

Joel comes around 8, and I meet him near the dorm gates. I smile looking at him; he is wearing jeans and a hoodie. He looks at me and says, "Wow! You look just like you did in the morning. You do know we are going to a party, right? Girls usually dress up for parties.".

"I look fine. Maybe you should go alone and find some other girl all dressed up in the party," I say, teasing him.

"No, no, wait a minute, let me go back a bit... Emma, you are looking gorgeous!" he says, trying to control his grin, obviously teasing now.

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