Part 18

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I had no idea how to process what happened this evening. As I made my way to my room, my mind was going to how I found Joanna so well the first time I saw her. It was her eyes, she and Justin have the same eyes, which apparently Don had too. As much as I hate to admit it, their family was blessed with good genes. Those striking green eyes were too much for me to handle when he was speaking to me about five minutes ago. I sit on my bed and replay the evening. Don had come in, and he tried to grab Joanna, who had no idea that he was her father. Justin then barges in and fights it out with his dad. From what Justin says, I know now that their relationship isn't good, but for a daughter to not even recognize her father... I felt there was something more there. I was lost in my thoughts when Hayley entered the room.

"Hey Em! What's up? Did you just get back? What took you so long?" She asks casually. I quickly get her up to date with the events of this evening.

"No way!" she gasps as I tell her how Justin had come at the right time. I did block Don the first time, but I wasn't sure I could have done it the second time if he hadn't shown up when he did. I fill her in with all the other details, including his admission that nothing happened the other night with Anna.

"If he says nothing happened, then how did we see those pictures of him with other girls? Do you believe him" she questions. I simply shrug.

"I don't know Hayles. He seemed genuine."

"Do you still like him? After all, what happened?"

"Honestly, I don't know." I look at her, and she gives me the cut-the-bullshit look.

"Fine. I do like him. I know I shouldn't after what happened, but.. ughh.. Hayles.. ever since I saw him for the first time in that parking lot..I felt something.. a connection with him. I can't explain it. Even when I thought that it's done, I would never see him again. I keep seeing him."


"Hmm.. what?"

"Well, if that's the case, make him work for it this time. Give him a hard time. If he really wants to be with you, he'll have no problem doing it for you."

"I have no idea how to do that, though," I chuckle at her idea.

"Don't worry, you've got me, Em!" she says confidently, looking out the window. I could actually feel her thinking of plans to do this.

"Don't start weaving your plans yet, Hayles.. I need some time to think about this."

"Sure.. Let me know what you decide, though," she says calmly, carrying on with her work.

I wondered if Justin and Joanna had reached home by now. The poor kid was bawling her eyes out, holding on to Justin the entire time. I also think of how Justin attacked his dad. I was sure he wasn't going to stop until I pulled him off. The look on his face was terrifying; there has to be a huge history there. I take out my phone from my bag, go into the messages, and unhide Justin's chat. There were 24 messages. I read through the messages.

Justin: Hey Emma! Did you make it to the game? I tried calling you, but you didn't answer. I wish you were here.

Justin: I just saw your calls; sorry, my phone was in my locker. Call me back when you have time.

The rest of the messages were him asking me why I was not responding, around two weeks ago, the messages had stopped, with the last one saying that he wouldn't disturb me further. After hearing him say what actually happened that night, I felt guilty seeing all his messages. I quickly typed a message,

Me: Hey, I hope you got home safely. Thank you for helping me earlier.

I go on with the rest of my evening. The next day, when Joel and I met for our regular coffee after our classes, I began to ask about Justin. I had no other source to learn about him. Even though Joel must not know a lot of things, he must know something right. Right now, I felt something was better than nothing. I take a sip of my latte and begin to speak.

"So, you know Justin?"

"Justin, who?" Joel responds, stuffing his mouth with cookies.

"Justin Shepard.. he's on your team."

Joel chuckles, "Justin's not only on our team, Em.. he's our captain. Why do you ask?"

"Umm.. We kind of met a while back; we went on a date too."

I'm interrupted by a cough from him. "What? When? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well, I didn't think there was anything to say. After the game about a month ago, I saw him kiss Anna, or I saw her kiss him. I don't know for sure. After that, I've pretty much ghosted him until yesterday."

"What happened yesterday?"

"I met him at the studio again. His sister goes to the dance class." I leave out the fighting part because I don't want to get Justin into trouble.

"Okay..". He responds with an amused look.

"What?" I nudge him.

"I can guess now why Justin was in a crappy mood after that game",he laughs.

"What game? Why would he be in a crappy mood?"

"I don't know the whole story, Em, but I know that his ex tried to get back together with him after the game which you and Hayley had come." I could feel the disappointment in his words.

"But I also heard that he rejected her because he liked someone else, a freshman," he says, signaling me. I roll my eyes.


"It's true, Em. I also saw him get wasted after Nate's party and pass out."

"I saw some pictures where he had two beautiful girls on either side of his lap."

"Um.. I'm sure that happened at some point during the party, but he did sleep alone. I would know because I saw him go into a room alone. I don't think he's playing around with Em. He's a decent guy from what I've heard and a hell of a captain.". What Joel says makes me smile.

"He did ask me to give him another chance."

"Now, that's up to you. I support whatever you decide," he says as he empties his coffee.

"Thanks, Joel!" I say with a smile on my face. I did feel better after talking to him. I took out my phone to see if I had any new messages. I was in such a rush today that I barely had time to check my phone. I could see two messages from Justin, which made me smile. I opened them and began typing the response. I could hear Joel sniker looking at me.

"Shut up!" I say as I finish my coffee and head back to class.

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