Part 7

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We arrive at the party, and as soon as we enter, Joel's name is called out by some guys. He heads over to them, still keeping me by his side, and starts talking to them about soccer. I looked across the room and found Justin. He was sitting at the end of the room near the drinks, and he was watching me. I felt my breath hitch as our eyes met. He gave me a small smile that made my heart flutter. I quickly looked away and tried to calm myself. Joel handed me a cup of beer, gave me an apologetic smile, and continued talking with those guys. His phone started ringing, and he answered it, but it was of no use; the music was blaring in the speakers.

"I'm going to take this call, Emma; it's Rachel," he says, and he walks out the door, leaving me alone in the room.

If I was nervous before, now it gets 10x worse the second he leaves me by myself. I try to act cool. Some of the guys Joel was talking to were now trying to talk to me. I smiled politely and answered a few questions about my name, major, and where I was from. I wanted to have something to drink that was not alcohol. I quickly excuse myself and walk towards the nearest table with drinks, holding the beer cup in my hand. I place the cup on the table and look for something else to drink. I find a water bottle, open it quickly, and have a drink while scanning the room for Joel. He was still not back.

The music was getting louder, and people started dancing. I was getting more anxious as I didn't know what to do. I saw a door in my left corner, which led out to the backyard, I think. Taking my water, I head to the door, avoiding the dancing people and trying not to disturb them. Once I was at the door, I sighed in relief. It was apparently the side door, which had a lawn and a swing set at the end. I looked around and saw that no one was here. I'll wait out here for some time, I thought, and I sat on the swing. Once seated, I took out my phone and tried calling Joel.

"Hey!" a voice came from behind me, startling me and making me drop my phone. I turn back and see Justin standing there with a smile on his face.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he says, still smiling.

"No problem. I thought no one was here, I say, looking at him and blushing. He sits in the swing beside me and takes a sip from his drink. I get nervous and decide to stay quiet.

"What are you doing outside? Where is your boyfriend?" he asks, looking straight ahead at the party going on inside. Boyfriend? What boyfriend? Oh, he must mean Joel.

"Um... No, Joel is my friend. He got a call and went out to take it. I came outside to get some fresh air, I say, trying to calm my nerves.

"Oh, okay," he says, nodding his head. There is again a moment of silence. I wanted to ask him about his girlfriend, whom I saw was also inside, but decided against it. It was none of my business asking him about it, but I really wanted to talk to him about something.

"How's your back?" I ask, looking at him.

He gives me a full smile and says, "It's better now.".

"That's good," I say, smiling back.

"What is your name?" he asks, looking at me and the ground nervously. "It's just that I never had the chance to ask your name earlier."

Oh, it strikes me suddenly that he never asked my name earlier. "It's Emma," I say, smiling at him. He seriously looked cute when he was nervous, but I had no idea why he was merry to talk to someone like me.

"So Emma... Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks me, looking at the party going on inside.

Wow, I was not expecting that question. "No, I don't," I say, looking at my feet. My god, this boy is making my stomach fill with butterflies all over.

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