Part 22

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My heart was racing when Justin pulled away from the kiss. Granted it was technically not my first kiss but compared to the kiss I had with Kenny in the tenth grade, that didn't make my heart beat a hundred times a minute. I feel it had the similar effect on him. We are now laying side by side, facing each other. I'm sure my face was red. He looks at my lips again and reaches in to give me another kiss, it was a sweet one unlike the earlier kiss. I kiss him back eagerly when the door opens and Hayley enters. We quickly move away from each other and I sit up. Hayley shifts her focus to us.

"Oh.. I'm sorry .. I didn't know .. I didn't mean to interrupt..", she says surprised.

"It's okay Hayles.. Are you okay?", she looks like she's been crying.

"Yeah.. I'm fine.. I can leave..", she says sniffing. I get up from the bed and walk towards her.

"No. Please stay; I was about to leave anyway," says Justin interrupting us. I look at him and give him a nod. He gets up, grabs his wet clothes from the floor, puts them in his bag, and makes his way towards the door. Hayles now sits on her bed. I follow Justin; he goes out the door first, and I follow him to the hallway. The hallway was almost empty now. Justin was tying his shoes now, and he stands up once he finishes. He was wearing his shorts and his jacket . I'm sure it would look funny on someone else, but I swear, on him, it looks hot.

"I'm sorry about Hayles."

"It's fine Emma.. I think she needs you more than me right now." I smile at him and give him a nod.

"Um, let me know when you reach home. I think it's raining." I say unsure what to say next. He gives me a cheeky grin.

"Will do." He reaches in and gives me another kiss on the lips. He pushes my back against the door and deepens the kiss. He is the one who pulls back from the kiss.

"Fuck, I don't want to leave," he says with his forehead resting against mine.

"Hmm" I just make a whimper, a little out of breath, but I knew he had to go, and Hayles was waiting for me. With another quick peck on my cheek, he leaves the dorm. I watch him leave the stairs and go inside the room. I find her  on the bed in the same place where she was before, and I sit beside her.

"What happened,?"

"It's Nolan's family. I was supposed to meet them for dinner today. I thought everything was going fine, but when I went to the restroom before dinner, I overheard his parents asking Nolan where the relationship was heading," she sobs.

"Okay," I knew she was excited to meet his parents; she had even got a new dress for the dinner.

"When Nolan said that we were serious, his parents just laughed and told him to get serious with his life. They told him that a girl like me could never be part of their family and that he knew I was just a fun lay for him."

"Oh, my God! What did Nolan say?", I asked, shocked.

"Nothing Em.. He just laughed and agreed with them. He didn't even have the decency to defend me or our relationship," she says with tears running down her face. I knew she was serious about Nolan, and she loved him with all her heart. I thought he was also on the same page, but I was now disappointed with him.

"I'm sorry, Hayles. I don't know what to say. You honestly deserve better." I get no response from her as she just sobs.

"Wait. Nolan picked you up, right? How did you come back?" I question.

"I left after I overheard their conversation. I took a cab here."

"Oh.. Okay". Her phone was almost constantly ringing. She picks it up and switches it off. A short while later, my phone begins ringing. I knew it was Nolan. Hayles asks me not to answer him. I give her a nod, and I let her be.

I receive multiple texts from Nolan. Most of them were if Hayley reached the dorm. I just let him know she's here, but she doesn't want to talk to him yet. I didn't get any response to my message from Nolan, but I did get a message from Justin.

Justin: Hey.. I just reached home.

Me: Hey, okay. Dinner?

Justin: Having now.. What about you? Is everything okay with your roommate?

Me: Yeah, she is fine now. I will go and get some food with her sometime.

Justin: I'm sorry we couldn't have dinner today.

Me: No worries.

Justin: I had fun tonight. When can I see you again?

Me: I have exams starting next week. Maybe later?

Justin: Sounds good!

We text for a couple of more minutes. I looked over to see Hayles was asleep now. I decided not to go out for dinner and order in. Once she wakes up, I force her to have some ramen and try to take her mind away from what happened earlier.

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