Part 21

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"Are you ready?" I ask Emma, who is locking the door. She turns to face me , nods, laughing in her head. I grab her hand, and we run to the car across the parking lot.

By the time we got inside, Emma and I were soaked. I turn up the heater, and sometimes the car gets warm, but our wet clothes stick to our bodies, causing Emma to shiver.

"Why don't we go to your dorm? So that you can change your clothes?" I offer.

"Yeah, it's freezing," she says with her teeth almost clicking. I reach over to the back seat, get my hoodie from my gym bag, and hand it over to her.

"No, you should take it. I'm fine," she protests.

"I'm not that cold, Emma; you can take it.". She hesitates for a bit, then takes the jacket. She removes the jacket that she was currently wearing and puts mine on. I tried not to look as she did this, but I did sneak a few glances. Wow. She was wearing a white top that stuck to her body, leaving not much to the imagination of what's below that. She really was hiding a lot behind those oversized t-shirts and jackets. I quickly look away, trying not to look like a pervert before her. She puts on the jacket quickly and gives me a smile.

"Thank you.". Her face is flushed from the cold, and her lips look too good to see. I get a shiver from my body, which I'm pretty sure is not just the chills. I quickly thought of something to say.

"So, shall we?" I signal the road.

"Yeah, let's go.".

We reach her dorm in no time. The rain had reduced, but it was still drizzling. Once we're parked, Emma looks over to my backseat.

"Do you have spare clothes in your bag?" she inquires.

"I might have a t-shirt and shorts in there," I say, unsure of why she's asking.

"Okay.. Why don't you come with me to my room and change?".

"Ugh.. Are you sure? I mean, I'm fine," I answer, surprised.

"No, you're not. You would get sick, and I don't think you can change in your car."

She was right. I did feel cold, and I couldn't change in my car without possibly flashing someone.


I grab my bag and follow her inside. Our college was pretty liberal, so there was no issue with guys and girls staying over at each other's dorms. I do get a few stares from other girls as I follow Emma. We reach the third floor and enter a room. I could see that there were two beds with study tables. The one on the right was a mess with books, paper, and clothes thrown all over. The one on the left was simple and organized, with not many things lying around except a few clothes. I made my way to the left one as Emma closed the door behind her. She looks at me with amusement.

"How did you know this was my bed?".

"I took a wild guess," I say, looking over at the other bed.

She laughs in response and comes over to her bed. She grabs some clothes.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom; you can change here."

I give her a nod. I could tell she was nervous in the way she quickly grabbed her things and hurried out of the room. I close the door behind her and change into my shorts and a T-shirt, which were clean. I dump the wet clothes into the same bag and toss them on the floor beside the bed. I sit on the bed and wait for Emma to come. I notice a lot of crumpled papers on her desk. I try to pick one up to see what it is when the door opens.

She's wearing a gray pant and another oversized black t-shirt, and her wet hair is now loose against her shoulders. She closes the door and looks at me with a smile. She glances at my shirt and shorts.

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