Chapter 2

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I stand there with my helmet in my hand, I try to compose myself however it's to no avail

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHAT KIND OF FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU?" He stands there just looking at me, I can tell he's trying to gather the words to say, and when I begin to walk away he blurts out, "You know it takes 2 to cause a collision", that makes me stop in my tracks.

"Are you saying it's my fault as well" - I spit these words out with such an interrogative tone " you know I knew you had a big ego before I moved to Formula 1 but I never knew it was that big" he looks at me frowning "I -" before he can finish I cut him off "you know what save whatever you have to say, I'm reporting the incident".

I walk out and head towards the podium and take my place, I look at to the crowd in awe of what has just happened and whilst I still have anger pulsating through my veins I forge a smile, I see my mum in the crowd and I smile, knowing that without her I wouldn't be here today. As the national anthem of (Your country) plays I can't help but notice Charles death starting me from the corner of my eye, as we brush open the champagne I turn the spray of champagne towards Max and the crowd completely blanking Charles, I know I appear to be a petty bitch but that man almost ruined my first F1 race.

As the podium ceremony comes to a close, I take a stand next to the F1 reporter. Will Buxton, it's always been clear that I hate anything related to PR. Growing up around the likes of Kimi Räikkönen, I have only heard about how invasive and irritating the media is. When Will starts to question me, the dialogue from me is as blunt as possible.

Will: So M/N how does it feel to be a Grand Prix winner?

M/N: It feels good as expected.

Will: Of course, now the incident between you and Charles what's your take on that? Obviously we heard your radio message a bit now you have had time to cool down. What's your opinion now?

M/N: Well it was his fault, he came close to me, I moved away and he continued to move closer, it was a reckless move from him.

Will: So is it safe to say that there is already a rivalry between you and Charles?

M/N: Well it's racing, there's rivalry between every driver, so it's a stupid question, and I have had enough now so have a good day.

Will: Thank you M/N

As I walk off my media manager Luca, looks at me and says "you know these interviews aren't just for the media, they can be a source of self reflection and plus the ruder you are to the reporters the harder my job is", I sigh and say "Well I can't stand them, they are all dicks".

As I head to my drivers room I start writing an email to the stewards:

" Dear Stewards,

As I'm sure you are aware there was an Incident between myself and Charles Leclerc during lap 32 in turn 3. This caused me to veer off the track and have significant debilitating damage to my tyres.

Whilst I am not sure why this was not already investigated during the race I would request you carry out a full investigation.

As I'm sure you're aware of the severe consequences of such reckless driving, I hope you can see the reason for me making a formal complaint.

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now