Chapter 10

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I wake up to the scent of fresh pastries drifting through the air, permeating the entire house. Wrapped in Charles' embrace, the light whispers of Monaco's wildlife brush past the open window.

I notice Charles is still in a deep slumber so I decide to snake out of his comforting embrace and put on my clothes that I wore last night and head downstairs where I am greeted by Pascale and Arthur. "Good Morning" I chirp "Good Morning" they reply back in sync, Pascale ushers me towards the table and I take a seat next to Arthur. "Where is Charles?" He asks "He's still asleep" I reply, they laugh at his laziness but to give him credit it is only 9 am. But anything past 7 am is a lie in for F1 Drivers. She places plates of food down on the table and tells us to help ourselves.

Me and Arthur spend the next 30 minutes just flipping between random conversational topics until we see Charles coming down the stairs, he approaches the table and hugs me from behind when Arthur pipes up and says "Some boyfriend you are prioritising sleep over having breakfast with your boyfriend", Charles snaps back "just because you are single Arthur no need to criticise my role as a boyfriend" despite Charles' serious tone they both end up laughing at each other.

Charles pulls up a seat next to me, and begins picking up food and putting it on his plate. We are talking about the Chinese GP when I feel my phone vibrate within my pocket, I open it and see I have a message from an unknown number


Unknown: Did you really think blocking me would just make me go away, wishful thinking my dear.


I read this message and freeze, but instead of replying like I did last night I just simply block the number and try to put on my best poker face however Chalres still notices.
"Is everything good Mon amour?", "yep I just need the toilet".

I quickly enter the toilet and close the door and slide against it until I reach the floor. I try to take deep breaths in order to calm down so many questions running through my mind "How does he have my number? How does he keep finding new ways to contact me? What does he want?". After about 5 minutes I flush the toilet to make it seem as if I had actually gone to the toilet.

When I return, I inform Charles that I'm going to head back to the hotel to start packing my stuff. He offers to take me but I insist I want to walk. So I thank Pascale for being so welcoming and making me delicious food and I say goodbye to Arhur after he makes me sign my drivers Card for him.

Leaving Charles' house, I step out into the lively streets of Monaco. The warmth of the sun embraces me, and the air is filled with the vibrant hum of people going about their day. The coastal breeze carries a hint of the sea, mingling with the sweet aroma of blooming flowers. As I navigate the winding streets, I can't help but marvel at the luxurious yachts lining the harbour, a stark contrast to the bustling cafes and shops that create a lively tapestry of the Monaco atmosphere.

The crowd is a mix of locals and tourists, each contributing to the vibrant energy of the principality. I stroll past charming boutiques and cafes with tables spilling onto the cobblestone sidewalks. The occasional exotic sports car zips by, the engine's roar harmonising with the lively chatter of pedestrians. Monaco, with its captivating blend of opulence and everyday life, offers a unique experience. I find myself soaking in the sun-drenched ambiance, grateful for the simplicity of a leisurely walk through this captivating city and it helps me clear my mind somewhat from the whole predicament with Nyck.

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