Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of people banging on my door, I quickly rise thinking it's an emergency but I open the door to Yuki and Pierre inviting me down to breakfast. I shoot them a heavily judgemental look for waking me up at whatever time it is. I slam the door in their faces and head back to my bead to check my phone and see that it's only 7:30 on Wednesday morning.

I spend about 20 minutes in bed just scrolling through emails and social and see that my training starts at 9:30 so I decided to drag myself away from the comfort of my bed and go and have a shower, and get dressed, I try to find my sportswear as I will be in the gym for most of the day, after making myself look semi presentable I head down to the breakfast area where Oscar waves at me to join them at the table I quickly grab some orange juice and a fruit bowl before sitting down.

Everyone is chatting away and then Oscar sparks a conversation between us and says “So did you get back alright last night?” he said with a sly smirk on  his face “Yep fine” I responded whilst showing fruit into my mouth, “Who walked you back?” he pressed on “Charles did” I said quite assertively, this soon caught the attention of Yuki, Pierre, Daniel and Max who all chime in giving each other looks like they know something I don't. I quickly dismiss the conversation and ask George what the team plan is for training. He informs me that we are in the Gym doing Physical and Reaction Training, these types of days are what make me regret being an F1 driver.

We spent the next half an hour at the breakfast table chatting away about random topics that popped up, I however remained in silence trying to gather what the looks were about earlier. Zhou comes over and starts talking to me which quickly pulls me away from my thoughts, he is also one of the people I have known for the longest. We met when I was in F3 and he was in another racing series, we had quickly become friends as we have a lot in common.

He asks if he can't talk to me in ‘private’ this of course makes me quite concerned and my initial thought is that something is wrong, however when we get to a free table he asks me point blank “Are you in love with Charles?”I sit there in shock not at the question but at how straight to the point he is, I reply with “Yes… I think I am, what makes you ask?”.

“Well M/N you never have been good at hiding your feelings and it's always the same story with you look at when you dated Mick or even Nyck, you started off hating them and ended up loving them” he says with a confident smile knowing he is completely right. I sigh in anger with myself for being so predictable and we talk for a while about how I truly feel about Charles and he helps me realise that we should try and be friends first before developing into something more.

George calls me over to signal that we have to head to the gym and start training when we arrive it's is completely empty except both of our personal trainers who are waiting for us George's takes him over to the treadmill for endurance training where as my trainer makes me do reaction tests for a whole 2 hours and by then I have had enough we take a quick break during our break me and George talk despite being remakes we haven't had much time to talk.

“So how does it feel to be in F1 and have won your first ever Grand Prix?” He asks, “Well Mr journalist it feels pretty cool and I have enjoyed every moment so far and can't wait for the next race” I respond and like every other conversation that I have the question of “so what's going on between you and Charles?” pops up and simply replies “We got off on the wrong foot but we are making efforts to be friends”, “Just friends?” He inquires I let out an exasperated giggle as say “for now”, after about 35 minutes of boycotting physical torture our trainers have had enough of us and make us get back to working out.

We reverse roles and George is now stuck doing reaction training and I'm on the treadmill doing endurance training and half the time I'm zoned out ahead of me apart from the odd time when my trainer asks me a question. Me and my trainer have been working together for years, he became my trainer when I was in F3 and then he moved up with me and worked with me simultaneously when I was in F2 and the AlphaTauri driver development program. He knows me extremely well given that he's known me since I was a teenager he's always been someone I could trust and also get away with a lot with

After about 45 minutes he can tell this really isn't my thing so he says it's OK to change up and do something else we do some weighted neck exercises to prepare for G Forces by the end of this the gym is now beginning to fill up with other drivers and other team trainers so we decode to call it a day.

I have sweat dripping down my face, and my once white shirt has become semi-clear with it attaching itself to my skin. Just as I was walking out I see him… Charles I try to pluck up the courage to ask him if he would like to spend the day with me tomorrow but he's currently talking to Max. I wait for about 10 minutes before they wrap up their conversation when I approach him. I quickly regret this when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I'm a sweaty mess but it's too late now he's acknowledged me. “Hey” I say, he swiftly replies “hey is everything OK”, “yeah everything's fine I was wondering if…… you wanted to come with me to this museum tomorrow…. It's fine if you can't I -” I am quickly cut off by him responding with “of course I would love to” I'm genuinely surprised he agreed “OK cool meet in the lobby tomorrow morning at 10” my response slight ecstatic “OK cool, oh by the way M/N loving the ‘shirt’” he said as he walked away just as well as it made me blush like mad.

I head back to my room extremely happy and I bump into Daniel who says “Who put a spring in your step?” “ oh nothing I had an energy drink so I have lots of energy” I say absolutely lying through my teeth.

Charles Pov:

After M/N walked away I could feel myself blushing for some reason. It's probably because his shirt was soaking with sweat and you could clearly see his entire torso. Daniel enters and slaps me in the back and says “What did you do to make M/N so happy?” he questions quite inquisitively I'm confused as to what he means a say “what do you mean what have I done?”, “ that man walked out of here with a smile looking like he was high on life when all day when I've walked last he's looked very miserable” his response shows how invested he really is, I smile at the fact I could be the reason he is so happy considering I was the one who pissed him off so much before I humour Daniel and decide to tell him “we are going to the museum together tomorrow” I say, “LIKE A DATE?” he says a little too loud for my liking yet no one heard "No, I don't think so, I don't know…. Does he think it's a date?” Daniel laughs at my confusion and asks “Do you think it's a date?” I reply with “I don't know” he then asks “would you like it to be a date?” This question requires more thinking than the last one and I finally fathom a response.

“Yes I would like to think it's a date”

Daniel smiles like the labrador he is satisfied with my answer, “what do you think he thinks it is?”, “I'm not sure” I reply “Well would you like me to play matchmaker and see”, “absolutely not” I rapidly reply with every worst case scenario running through my mind as to what could go wrong with Daniel handling my love life.

As I continue training over the afternoon I have one question “does he think it's a date?... Does he want it to be a date?.... Would he even go on a date with me?”

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now