Chapter 5

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**** WARNING **** Mention of eating disorder this has been marked within the story do feel free to skip ahead.

M/N Pov:

After we dropped Charles off I felt the tension leave the car, I could feel him just glaring at me for the majority of the journey. As we continue driving to the hotel Oscar sparks a conversation I was hoping to avoid by saying “So what's up between you and Charles, are you both still angry at each other?” I sigh in discontent, “we just don't see eye to eye and I think it's best if we don't interact”. For the rest of the journey we spent it singing along to the music with Yuki making me go deaf with his horrible impersonation of Adele.

When we got to the hotel we all received our room keys and I found out I was next door to Yuki. Me and Yuki have been best friends since he came over to Europe to participate in a karting championship when we were younger. Despite being older Yuki was always reminded that he was shorter. I would be lying if I said there wasn't something between us but it's platonic, many people have assumed because I'm gay I must be sleeping with every driver on the grid.

We make our way to our rooms and I quickly unpack and head downstairs to make use of the pool, most driver's head to the gym in their free time. I however am not one of those drivers, the thought of voluntary exercise repulses me. I settle down on a sunbed and place my headphones in and play my favourite podcast and I slowly drift off to sleep. However I'm quickly disturbed when I feel myself being lifted up I open my eyes and see George and Logan lifting me.

“PUT ME DOWN MOTHER FUCKERS” I screamed in this a bit too loudly in the 5 star hotel, and my pleading was to no avail they threw me in, I get out of the pool and embraced George in a hug soaking him in the process and I said “Payback is a bitch” in a very smug tone.”What about Logan it was him as well”, he whined like a little baby “don't worry I will get my revenge when he least expects it”.

I wait to dry of for a bit as it's forbidden to walk through the hotel wet and I thought I had dried off enough before walking into the hotel however the water that had been sliding down my leg made the marble floor even more slippery and I felt myself falling backwards before I felt a strong grip around my forearm, and as I'm about to thank whoever it was I see that it's Charles. At first I question how the fuck he managed to unpack and make his way to our hotel so quickly but then I realise that I had been blankly staring into his eyes and he was still holding onto my arm, “erm… thank you” I say and he let's go of my arm, I see Logan walk past smugly and I shout “You are a dead man American don't think you're getting away with this” Charles shoots me a confused look so I quickly elaborate “he threw me in the pool” I say whilst death staring Logan.

I excuse myself and make my way to my room change for the grid dinner in Monaco that night. I try to decide what outfit I want to wear but my wardrobe only consists if black jeans and team T Shirts but I eventually find a plain white polo so I wear that with black jeans. I'm the first one down there and I'm waiting when Charles starts a conversation with me “look I know we got off on the wrong foot, and we didn't exactly exchange nice words but I want to start again, I don't want to be enemies or have any hate between us” he says I can tell he is sincere and means it “me too” I say “ I understand how unbearable, stubborn and annoying I can be sometimes and I'm sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to make you feel upset in any way” Charles smiles before saying “Did I manage to get ‘I'm sorry’ out of the M/N L/N the most unapologetic person ever” we both giggle at that statement and we are interrupted by Yuki who is making his way over to us, I sense a change in Charles demeanour when Yuki arrives.

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