Chapter 12

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I stand waiting in the lobby of the hotel waiting for the shuttle to take us to the airport. I stand by myself for a while before there is any sign of other drivers. The first to emerge is George alongside Carmen. “Morning” they both say, however Carmen's tone is more joyful and happy and George maintains a monotone voice indicating he's still half asleep. “Morning” I reply, trying to match Carmen's enthusiasm. “How are things between you and Chalres?” George asks, “how did you even hear about that?” I reposed back inquisitively. “Pierre” he bluntly answers. Of course. That little shit. He has one big mouth. “We are all good now, we just had to talk things out”.

Moments later Charles emerges, he had stayed behind to have a shower, “Morning all” he says whilst pushing his slightly wet hair back, he walks over to me an hugs me, the smell of his freshly applied cologne making its way up and infecting my nostrils with a sense of pure bliss.

Whilst we stand talking it doesn't take long for an array of drivers to come flooding in, and soon after we are told the shuttle has arrived to take us to the small airport where our plane would be waiting. On the shuttle I am sat next to Charles and it doesn't take long for us to become immersed in conversation. Halfway into the journey he asks me “So when are you going to tell Mercedes you are not with them next year?”, “Soon” I reply, emitting as much detail as possible.

I open my phone to look at the schedule for the next 2 weeks. I see that there is time set aside for interviews for ‘Drive to Survive’ and a lot of training and practice. The journey goes by fast and I feel a sense of repetitiveness in my life, enduring the same cycle again and again has become a banal and mundane part of my life.

Before I become too intrinsically confined by my thoughts, we pull into the secluded small private airport just outside the heart of Las Vegas. I pull my suitcase to the plane and hand it off to one of the boarding staff and step up onto the plane and take a seat next to the window with Charles sitting next to me and Lando and Carlos sitting opposite.

The surge of the plane as we soar down the runway always sends a little rush of adrenaline down my body. I know I drive at high speeds for a living but there's something about going 200 mph up into the air that never fails to make me feel a little sense of childlike excitement.

For the majority of the flight I sleep since it's still the early hours of the morning, I feel like cold drips on my face and don't think much of it until I feel a massive gush of water and open my eyes to see a slightly drunk Max and Daniel standing above me, with Charles next to me laughing hysterically.

I stand up and heading to the toilet whilst whispering under my breath “fucking cunts” loud enough for them to hear and as I say that I hear all laughter stop, which tells me they comprehend how pissed off I am. It's kind of well known that the thing I love most in the world is sleep. I finish wiping my face and head back to my seat and see Max still standing there and as I approach he says “M/N I'm sorry” before I can say thank you he cuts me off by continuing “sorry you can't take a joke” this sends me over the edge “No I can take a fucking joke but I don't find pissing other people off funny nor entertaining now take your child like self back to your seat and shut the fuck up to keep me sane” as I say this he edges closer and Danny pulls him back and Charles pulls me back and Valtteri who had been sitting next to all of this stands in the middle of us and say “both of you need to cool down and get back to your own seats” Daniel let's Max go and he returns to his seat and Charles guides me but essentially pushes me back in my seat.

I slump back into my seat and just turn back over to try and get some sleep and it ends up working because the next thing I knew Charles was gently tapping my shoulder calling my name and saying my name. I open my eyes and the once dark cabin was filled by the rising sun of Italy.

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