Chapter 13

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After another 5 races in Austria, Canada, Bahrain, Japan and Austin, Texas where I scored P1 in all of them, it's our summer break which is only 2 weeks but 2 weeks of being back in England with my family is time I cherish, well normally it's time I cherish.

I approach the door of my childhood home and knock on the door, it doesn't take long for my mum to answer “Oh my Gosh M/N darling come in quickly” she ushers me in and the familiar smell of her cooking sends me back to my childhood.

I place my suitcase by the stairs in the hall and walk into the kitchen and take a seat on the chair by the kitchen island as my mum follows in behind me.

“So M/N what have you been up to” she asks, “You know nothing much apart from racing and training” I reply. “And how are things between you and Charles?”, “Everything's going well, he went home to Monaco to visit his mum and brother's”.

As I finish my sentence she places a bowl of soup in front of me and says “here eat up” I instantly begin to shovel the soup into my mouth. “I take it that it tastes delicious” she comments “as always” I add, causing my mother to smile more intently with a sense of pride and fulfilment.

Breaking the silence she says “So I was thinking, maybe we could go to the old karting track tomorrow and have some fun”, I laugh and say “I'm meant to be having a break from racing”, “it will be fun, plus we can invite Jack and Lucas you haven't seen them in ages, their mother's have been asking about you a lot” she adds, I sigh and agree to it and she gets me to phone Jack and Lucas who were my old karting teammates but they both decided racing wasn't a career they wanted and ended up pursuing so called ‘normal’ careers.

I spend the whole day just lying on the sofa watching TV and eating, completely disregarding my holiday diet and training plan that the team had created and told me I had to stick to.

As I wake up in my childhood bedroom surrounded by my childhood racing trophies and the posters of my favourite F1 drivers such as Senna, Prost and Mansel. I feel fully refreshed at not having to get up before 7 and I savour every minute longer I get to spend in bed, that is until I hear a knock on my door.

“Come in” I say, it's my mum, “come on you need to get up we have to be at the track in an hour” I groan in annoyance and pull myself from the comfort of my bed and head to the bathroom to shower. For some reason showering in my own home I feel more out of place than I do in random hotels, as Nyck always used to say I was always afraid of being settled down in one place.

After my shower I head downstairs for breakfast but before I can reach the kitchen my mother is pushing me towards the door insisting we are going to be late.

The car journey is brief and the whole time me and my mother are singing along to the radio and it takes me back to when she would take me to karting after school and we would sing in the car.

Arriving at the track I see Jack and Lucas standing there waiting for me and ask I step out Jack shouts “am I the only one getting Deja vu, us having to wait for M/N to turn up to the track” I tell him to be quiet as I approach him and embrace him in a hug. We start complimenting each other on how well each other looked and the guys made a point of congratulating me for my F1 success and getting a boyfriend.

After standing around and talking around talking for a while we are called over to see our karts, they are decorated just like they were when we were 10. We put on our helmets and head on the track and into one of the corners Lucas doesn't give me enough space and runs me off the track. But I manage to get back on and get ahead of him and set my eyes on Jack but like he did when we were 10 he doesn't pose much of a challenge.

At the end we reconvene and as Lucas approaches me I say “You pulled a Leclerc on me” and they both laugh and Lucas smugly replies “Yeah but you love me more than him right?” I laugh and say “if you want”.

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now