Chapter 17

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I look in the mirror constantly refining my shirt collar and tie, my mother is running around behind me taking on every little task and overwhelming herself whilst I'm looking in the mirror trying to stay cool.

The morning Australian heat however is making it impossible for me not to sweat so I'm constantly drinking water and standing underneath the AC. There are people crammed into my hotel room and the whole process is overwhelming. People asking me thousands of questions that I had never even thought about sending me into a pedantic frenzy of panic and anxiety.

Yuki notices and clears most of them out of my room and helps me with my shirt sleeve buttons. Yuki is my best man, him and Zhou argued for weeks about it and I said they could settle it between them as to who would be best man, however when Zhou found out being best man entailed giving a speech he was very quick to hand it over to Yuki. I can't lie, the thing I'm most nervous about today is what Yuki will say in his speech.

"So are you ready?" he asks.

"I think so" I reply

Whilst I'm physically ready I'm still so nervous all sorts of questions rushing through my mind

What if he doesn't turn up? What if he says no? What if I change my mind?

This wedding has been the source of all my stress over the past couple of months. Everything had stressed me out even the guest lists and seating plans. Charles insisted on inviting Max and Kelly and I insisted on Inviting Daniil and all I could think about for the past few weeks is what if they start an argument.

I have spent a fortune on this wedding and if anything goes wrong I may just cry.

"erm... M/N that was Zhou on the phone, there has been a slight hiccup"

I turn to face him "What sort of hiccup?".

"The person dropping off the rings is stuck in traffic 3 hours away"

"What....the ceremony starts in 2 hours this is going to be a shit show and this is why we should've just waited I knew something like this would happen"

Yuki cuts me off and pushes me to sit on the bed "calm down we will find a way to fix it". Yuki leaves the room to go and 'fix it' leaving me alone with my mother who is arguably making things worse as she keeps on commenting on how grown up I am and how it was just yesterday she was fixing my school tie and now she's fixing my wedding tie.

"Everything will be fine, you don't need a ring to show your symbol of love for each other all that matters is that you two are there and are declaring your love for eachother"

"Yes mum you're right"

Yuki comes back into the room "I had a chat with some people they said they are going to send a motorbike to get the rings as they can filter through traffic"

I let out a brief sigh of relief and stand up and head for the door, "Where are you going?" my mum asks "for a walk".

"You can't go for a walk what if you bump into Charles", "I won't mother, I will take Yuki with me to ensure I don't"

Me and Yuki leave the room and enter the long corridor of the hotel and begin walking towards the stairs "where are we going?" he asks me. "Just for a walk I couldn't stay in that room any longer".

We emerge from the hotel into the bright sun and it's direct heat causing me to squint momentarily before putting my sunglasses on. The hotel had a large front court where there is a fountain and garden area. We take a seat on a wooden bench that has a direct view of the water fountain and is shaded by a large rose bush.

"Am I doing the right thing Yuki?"

"What do you mean?"

"Am I doing the right thing marrying him? I've messed up every relationship I have ever had, Mick, Nyck and every other person I have dated. What if I do the same with Charles."

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now