Chapter 3

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We are currently in some bar Max found on Google which he said had, and I quote “good enough reviews' ' the air is thick with the smell of sweat and alcohol. Throughout the night I basically clung to Max and George who were more than inebriated, I on the other hand have only had one drink of water, not wanting to jump on the bandwagon of getting drunk. Throughout the evening I could feel Charles' death staring at me and I could tell he was still more than pissed at me, however I remain resolute in not breaking character.

As all the drivers who attended were on the dance floor, Charles approached me with my only thought being “oh shit”, he nonchalantly collapsed in the seat next to me as he did so he spoke, “How come you aren't drinking like the out of control nutter you are?” I can tell he is trying to provoke me but I know freaking out is what he wants, but I also know if I do loose it there literally will be ‘a murder on the dance floor’, so I simply reply “drinking is for those who need an artificial catalyst for having fun, I can have fun without downing that shit”. He gives me a blank stare clearly not expecting that response. As he does so, it sends a weird feeling through my body, not one I had ever experienced before.

After 10 minutes of awkward silence, I got up to leave when Charles finally piped up and said “where are you going?” I simply say “I have a headache so I'm going back to the hotel” he pulls a slightly disappointed face but I assume it's him trying to look sympathetic.

As I leave the Bar I text max to make sure he doesn't wait for me:

As I leave the club I walk down the streets I am totally zoned out listening to my music when I bump into someone and knock them over

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As I leave the club I walk down the streets I am totally zoned out listening to my music when I bump into someone and knock them over. I immediately stop in my tracks and help the person up when I realise who it is.

“Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mick I didn't see you there.” I say completely out of breath and flustered

“Nah no worries it's fine” he says charmingly

“So I heard you were here to watch the GP, I have honestly missed you so much” the words now just flowing out of my mouth

We chat away in the dimly lit street which now had rain slowly pouring down, typical England, when Mick says “do you want to.go and get a coffee or tea at the local café” whilst I stand there contemplating whether or not I should go for a drink with my ex-boyfriend, I blurt out a simple “sure” and think ‘What's the worst that can happen”.

Whilst me and Mick are sitting at the table we are dissecting how the season is going: when he comes out with "So you and Leclerc hey, what's the deal there?" he asks interrogatively I huff at the question, "there's nothing to comment on he's rude...

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Whilst me and Mick are sitting at the table we are dissecting how the season is going: when he comes out with "So you and Leclerc hey, what's the deal there?" he asks interrogatively I huff at the question, "there's nothing to comment on he's rude, egotistical, can't take criticism and lacks basic common courtesy and he's in denial" my response is harsh but Mick can tell my harshness isn't directed at him. "Funnily enough isn't that what you said about me when we raced together", "well yes, but at least you were good looking" I replied but Mick adds "and you think Charles is ugly?"The thing is I want to answer that question but I don't even know the answer myself. It's no secret that people think Charles is gorgeous but I am still yet to make up my mind, I mean I have only known him for less than a month, and he's already pissed me off. So instead of answering the question I simply say "he's....anyway how's things with you".

As the evening comes to an end I decide to head to my hotel and as me and Mick part ways we give each other an embracing hug and in that moment I forget how much I have missed this and how much I have missed him. To give context, Mick and I broke up because he moved to F1 and I was stuck in F2 and the distance and time apart was not good for our relationship so we came to the mutual agreement to stay just friends however we hadn't really spoken since then apart from the odd ‘Happy Birthday’ text.

It's now the next morning and I wake up to some very angry texts from my media manager Luca,

I get dressed throwing on a pair of black jeans and a team T-Shirt, as I arrived at the team media office I was given some indescribable looks from the employees

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I get dressed throwing on a pair of black jeans and a team T-Shirt, as I arrived at the team media office I was given some indescribable looks from the employees. I reach the conference room where I find Toto, George and Luca. They are all looking at me and whilst I'm early it looks like they have been sitting there set in stone for ages. I semi waddle towards and seat adjacent to Toto, when he pipes up:

“We have brought you to our team for what you can offer on the track, you have an amazing talent, you have made history not only with your racing but with your openness about your sexuality . We sincerely appreciate what you do for us however you have been with us for only one race and have caused a media catastrophe, you were seen hanging out with your ex but he's not any ex he's Mick Schumacher. The drama doesn't arrive from the fact you are both men this is a race track not a reality TV set we don't bring relationships to the track, what you do outside reflects us as a team, so please accept this as your formal warning, do not, and I mean do not, cause anymore drama”

As the meeting goes on for what feels like an eternity I am lectured on the importance of PR and media and my mind remains unchanged, the media are dicks and don't deserve my kindness, if I have any.

So like a child who hasn't learned their lesson, I go back to my hotel and text Mick

So like a child who hasn't learned their lesson, I go back to my hotel and text Mick

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I really never learn my lesson, but hey life is more fun that way.

Word Count- 1051

As always if there are any mistakes please do let me know. :)

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