Chapter 16

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I maintain my gaze at Yuki, and he doesn't notice until he turns his head to face me. Me and him have been friends for what feels like an eternity but I've always had some sort of feelings for him that I could never quite grasp. I have admired him more and more as the years have flown by and all the times we kissed each other as a 'dare' I always felt something deep down and I'm sure he didn't but I can't help but think what if he did. I look around to see if there are any other drivers around and see that there is none to be seen.

I cup his face with my hand and pull him in closer and I place my lips on his, he pulls away for a moment and it makes me automatically regret my decision but instead of chastising me he places his lips back on mine and we begin to passionately explore each others mouths with the Italian sun bearing down on us.

We pull apart and there is a moment where neither of us can even begin to find the words.

"I'm sorry" I blurt. "No, I liked it," he says, trying to deescalate the situation.

After another moment of silence he says "M/N do you actually find me attractive or did you do that because you longed for some affection?".

"I have always felt something for you Yuki and I love you so much the last thing I would want to do is ruin our friendship" I can't seem to stand the fact I may have just ruined my friendship with my best friend.

He laughs "ruin our friendship? Never. If anything this gives me ammunition to use against Zhou when he says that he's better friends with you than me". I shake my head in disapproval of their childish antics and war of attrition. We hear footsteps approaching us and we turn our heads in sync and look up to face Lance.

"Lunch is going to be served now guys" we thank him and we help one another up and head to the top deck where the dining table is. It's quite an empty boat with only me, Lance, Yuki, George and Carmen on it. It's much nicer than the fact parties I have been to. It feels much more relaxing, authentic and calm.

As we all indulge in the wonderful food we edge closer to our destination: The Mediterranean island of Malta. We have plans to explore the island and do fun and free things without a regard for racing or in my case relationships.

The conversation around the table is light and I must say there is an air of awkwardness when I am sitting between my old teammate, new teammate, and my best friend who I had just not long made out with. "So M/N, who do you think is the better teammate, George or Lance?" Zhou asks "Well given I haven't been teammates with Lance yet I can't really give a valid opinion on that".

"He just doesn't want to admit it's me in front of George" Lance says egotistically, "Listen Lancey Strolly don't be getting too confident it's always a character's hamartia" I retort and he replies "Alright Shakespeare", we all break out in a cacophony laughing.

After we finish eating George Suggests we play a game and they settle upon truth or dare - I swear people never learn their lesson when playing this game someone either ends up upset or injured.

Of course the first person up is me and it's George who gets to pick my dare - I choose dare because picking truth always ends up in me embarrassing myself. He sits pondering for a moment "I dare you to rank all of us in order of attraction, but not Carmen because as a gay man you are biassed"

I scoff "this is easy Yuki, Zhou, Lance and sorry but your last George". The game goes around and it increases in intensity with the Dares and truths becoming more and more risky.

I'm the last one to participate in the game and for a change I pick dare. It's Lance who gets to pick the dare which is probably the last person I want to pick my dare. "I dare you to give Yuki a lap dance".

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