Chapter 9

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We stand there in silence, just blankly staring at each other, Charles edges forwards to make eye contact with me and repeats his words “What secret?”.

I frantically try to fathom some deflection, but nothing comes to mind, when the worst thing possible happens, Nyck opens his mouth and begins to speak. “It's none of your business what we were talking about, it's between me and M/N and not you Frenchie”.

Charles looks physically taken aback by Nyck's audacity and he steps to now stand face to face with Nyck. I quickly push myself between them to stop him from doing something he will regret. “Leave it Charles don't waste your time on a loser like him” I say defensively trying to resolve this situation “Look at you M/N always defending me, anyone would think you still love me” as Nyck finished saying this he lunged towards him however I somehow managed to interject him.

He now focuses his attention on me holding my face “tell me… tell me the secret” I stand for a while looking between Nyck and Charles, and sigh realising he won't let this go until I tell him “When I was 15 I met Nyck at a race, we quickly started dating and then when we turned 16 and he started to get jealous, angry, overprotective and sometimes he would lash out” I say Charles’ face fills with anger “ are you saying he used to hit you?”, I mumble “sometimes”.

Charles turns to Nyck who is smugly smiling and says “Ah baby never could keep your mouth closed around other men could you”, this ignites a fire within Charles he lunges on Nyck and punches him in the face, I stand frozen for a second before I grab Charles off Nyck and instead of being sympathetic I shout at him.

“YOU IDIOT YOU JUST DID WHAT HE WANTED, THIS IS WHAT THE REAL NYCK IS ABOUT AND YOU JUST WALKED INTO HIS TRAP” I begin to cry but try and hide it to prevent Nyck from getting the satisfaction of me being upset.

Nyck rises from the floor and heads to the door and before leaving says “See you around M/N”.

As he leaves I turn to Charles “I'm sorry I shouted it's just that man gets under my skin like no one else does” he hugs me saying “it's fine I get it, I promise I will protect you from him forever” after a while I take his hand into mine to examine it, his knuckles have formed a light purple bruise but there is no major damage or pain.

We part ways and head to our drivers rooms to get changed out of all our stuff to prepare to head back to the hotel and get ready for tonight.

As I enter my room the bed looks so intently inviting but I know if I lay on it I won't want to get back up, so I simply bypass it and head straight for the bathroom where I have the longest shower and just have Nyck on my mind, he is there when I close my eyes. I spent years in therapy just trying to forget him and he just somehow wandered back into my life. Charles is also going through my mind and how I told him what Nyck had done to me but I didn't tell him the whole truth. The only person who knows the WHOLE truth about what went on between me and Nyck is Mick and Yuki.

I stand under the shower for what feels like an hour but when I look at my phone which is resting on the counter for 2 hours , I quickly hop out of the shower realising I have to be downstairs in 30 minutes. I rummage through my closet and find a teal blue button up and a pair of beige shorts, I stand in front of the mirror, when there is a knock on the door expecting to see one of the drivers but it's one of the receptionists “Hi Mr L/N we had a delivery of these at reception for you” she says handing over a pair of white roses to me, I thank her and close the door and search for a note and it reads:

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now