Chapter 7

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I turn over and can see a ray of light piercing through the gap in the curtains and whining at the discomfort before getting up. I decided to actually make an effort today as I'm going to spend it with Charles. I quickly hop in the shower, brush my teeth and do my skin care before turning my attention to the mess that is my wardrobe. After shifting everything around I finally found a white button up shirt and a pair of shorts and decided that they are a good match for the summer's day in Monaco. I sigh to myself "When people say F1 drivers are rich and have great fashion I would love for them to look at my closet".

I quickly head downstairs when I'm greeted by a smiley Danny Ric, "What's gotten into you" I say as he stands in front of me smiling ear to ear. "Nothing much, so are you doing anything fun today?", as I pour myself some juice I say "Yep I'm going to The Nouveau Musée National de Monaco... with Charles". As I begin to move away Danny follows me asking more questions like "So what can you see there? Is it a nice place? What are you going to do after?" He continues this for another 2 minutes before I say "Danny, is there something you want to ask me?" I can see him contemplating something and then he asks "Why are you going with Charles?", "Erm because I thought it would be a nice thing to do to get to know each other". After I give him this answer he presses on "so it's not a date?", "I laugh, "do you honestly think I would take someone on a date to a museum, do you think I'm that boring?" He forcefully laughs at my response and spends the whole time chatting with me whilst the other drivers are on the other table watching how many grapes Lando can fit in his mouth.

I sit at the table with Zhou and Lance who are the only 'normal ones' not participating in the grape talent show. As I sit down Lance greets me "Hey M/N" we haven't spoken yet but I have heard nothing but good things about him, I know he this persona of being a bad driver and that he's only in F1 because of his dad, whilst it's undeniable his dad does play some role in him being part of the Aston Martin team no amount of money will get a driver this far they have to have some talent and of Lance wasn't serious and passionate about F1 he would of left already because no one would stand the amount of hate he gets. We spend time talking about Silverstone where Lance picked up P5 and Zhou P9.

Lance is incredibly over excited about my win, more than me if truth to be told, lance is like me an introvert which helps me get along with him. Whilst he is evidently an introvert, I am not and people often confuse me for being extroverted when the truth is I'm just comfortable around certain people.

As it approaches 9 I head to the lobby and see Charles standing behind one of the marble pillars so I decide to seek up behind him and scare him but he turns around and says "there is a mirror on the opposite wall you idiot" we share a laugh and an awkward silence of staring into eachothers eyes before I break the silence and say "so shall we head to the museum I can drive, the team have provided me with a car", "hmm me in a Mercedes will we even make it there" he says whilst laughing "hey you drive for ferrari don't you have a therapist because of them" he jovially hots me round the back of the head before signalling towards the door. As we leave Danny walks past and shouts "Have fun" whilst winking, Chalres sighs "dickhead" as we are walking down the steps of the hotel exit. We walk round to the parking lot and sit in the Mercedes-Benz A-Class and Charles says "They actually trust you with a car this expensive", "of course they do I'm their best driver but don't tell George or Lewis" as I am driving down the streets of Monaco the sound of the radio is barely audible so I break the silence by asking "so what's it like to be home",

"You know it's quite nice, you know sometimes I don't realise how much I miss this place and my family and I'm sure you're aware of what it's like to be away from your family. You will be pleased to know that when I got home Arthur did shout at me for pushing you of the track, my brother is literally your biggest fan so at the Grand Prix on Saturday expect to see him following you around like a lost puppy"

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now