Chapter 11

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After being in the hospital overnight they discharged me in the morning and I'm waiting outside the front for a taxi to pick me up when I see Charles and my mother pull into the hospital parking area. “What are you two doing here?”. “Now, Now M/N that's no way to greet your mother and boyfriend” my mum says. I laugh jovially whilst approaching the back seat door and sit down.

“So how come you two are together?” I ask, wondering why my mother is with my boyfriend whom I only introduced her to less than a day ago, “we decided that we would come and get you together” Charles replies and my mum follows on “anyway enough of detective M/N, how are you feeling now?”. “I feel much better, I have to drink plenty of water, rest and take antibiotics for a week and I should be good to go”.

“Well you won't be training for a couple of days then and that's a direct order from me” my mum says understanding that I simply can't just ‘rest' but the next Grand Prix isn't for 10 days and plus the Las Vegas Grand Prix has to be one of my favourites so I have to perform at my best there.

Remembering that I wasn't there for the podium ceremony I ask them “Who collected my trophy?”, “they sent your engineer Jack to collect it on your behalf” Charles says and I hum in acknowledgement. My mum pulls into the hotel parking area and we arrive quite quickly as the hotel is only down the road from the hospital.

I step out the car and Charles follows next to me and my mum goes to get out the car I say to her “Oh no mum it's fine, you can go back and rest and have fun, I'm just going to bed” and she looks at me and says “M/N L/N since the moment you were born you are stubborn and never take anyone's advice, I know full well you aren't going to rest so I booked a room here to make sure you do”.

I admit defeat and head towards the entrance where I am greeted by George who immediately hugs me and says “are you all good? You had us so worried”, I let out a slight giggle at his intense panic, “Yes I'm fine it was just food poisoning”. When I continue walking I get numerous comments and questions asking how I am and congratulating me for P1 in the last race.

I finally reach my room and swing the door open and immediately see a trophy sat on the desk of the room and I walk over to it and intently look at it. It all just feels so surreal, how can I be a 3 time grand prix winner in my first season?

My mother informs me I must get into bed, so I go into the bathroom and change into some shorts and a T-Shirt and get into bed Charles goes to sit next to me and my mother says “Let's leave him alone he's an impulsive chatterbox if someone is here he will talk and not rest” and before I can say anything they both leave the room.

I decide to watch highlights of the race seeing as I was barely coherent enough to remember any of it, as I sit there just aimlessly watching the race and I am actually proud of myself for how I actually managed to turn the car half the time as I lacked any strength.

After about an hour of just sitting there doing nothing I'm incredibly bored and not tired so I look at my phone and see an article that had seen Charles getting me from the hospital and the title of the article was “FELLOW DRIVER CHARLES LECLERC PICKS UP HIS FRIEND FROM HOSPITAL FOLLOWING EMERGENCY HOSPITALISATION” and a lot of the comments are just “That's so nice of him” and “I'm glad they're friends” and I see another one however this title concerns me more “LECLERC AND L/N SEE OUTSIDE HOSPITAL HUGGING, A POSSIBLE COUPLE?”, and the comments on this post are noticeably onto to something with many saying

“they have been so close all of a sudden so it wouldn't surprise me”

“They have hugged quite a lot and been really touchy with each other”

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now