Chapter 4

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Charles’ Pov:

I see M/N storming out of the Mercedes media office as the Ferrari media office is right opposite their's. He looks like a child who's just been told off, curiously I approach George who followed shortly behind M/N.

“Hey George, what's wrong with him” I ask trying not to sound concerned

“Oh you know he's just had about the 1000th lecture about media relations in his career” he responds

“What did he do this time” I make sure that when I say this I don't sound to intrigued

George gives me a look like I'm an idiot and he says “You haven't seen the social media post of him” I shake my head “he's trending on Twitter, it's not hard to miss” as George walks away I pull out my phone and open twitter and see that #M/N L/N is trending. I click on the hashtag and see a photo of M/N and Mick Schumacher hugging in the rainy streets. When I saw that photo I felt a weird feeling, it's one I can't describe. It's almost like a feeling of anger, but I don't know what I'm angry about.

Whilst I'm lost in my thoughts I hear someone shouting “Everything OK Leclerc” I turn around and see Daniel I forge a smile and say “Yeah, it's all fine” however I can tell he doesn't believe me. “You know I can tell you're lying, do you want to talk about it?” I stand there debating whether or not I want to, when I come to a decision, “sure, let's go to catering” as we are sitting in the catering tent. It's quite empty apart from the catering staff and the odd engineer from the other teams.

Daniel breaks the silence, “so mate what's wrong”, I sit in silence for a moment before speaking “It's M/N” I say bluntly and immediately Daniel's posture shifts and he shoots me a look as if to say ‘continue’. “He's so unbearable, he reported me for an accident, he verbally attacked me after the first race, on the podium he ignored me like I was a piece of shit, he is so insensitive, in the club he left early because he had a 'headache' but I know that is a lie because he was seen hanging around with Mick and I don't know why but seeing the photo of them 2 hugging and laughing together just makes me feel….. I don't know…. angry, annoyed”

After my verbose speech Daniel sits in silence and almost immediately says aloud

“Do you love him?”

The question catches me off guard, I'm fairly sure I'm not gay, quite defensively I reply “Absolutely not, I'm not gay, what makes you say that” . “The feelings you felt when you saw that photo wasn't anger it wasn't annoyance it was jealousy, you were jealous that he had left you and gone to Mick, you may not know it but you are inadvertently in love with him, you don't have to be fully gay to like a man.” When he finishes he gives me a look before standing up and before he leaves. He gives me a few words of wisdom

“Think about it, if you love him, you have to come to terms with yourself and your identity before you approach him, and you should probably fix your friendship before getting into a relationship"

As he exits the tent I feel more conflicted than ever, I don't love him, he's made my life hell and he's only been here for one race"

As I make my way to my car to head to the airport, Daniels says “do you love him?” echoing in my mind and as we arrive at the airport and board the plane I open my laptop and type in “am I gay quiz” and click in the link, as I answer all the questions, I click ‘see results and it says “You are 86% Homosexual”, I close my laptop and lean against the window confused about whether I actually know myself as well as I think I do.

Max approaches me from the back of the plane and sits next to me “everything alright, you look like you've seen a ghost” he intrudes with a concerned tone, I reply with a simple “Yep”, we sit in silence for a while it is awkward and tense.

He quickly snatches my laptop and says “let's find something to watch” for a moment I ignore what he says but realise what my last open tab is and try to stop him from opening it, “WAIT”, but it's too late, he sees the screen and he looks at me, he doesn't say anything, he just looks at me.

We are both trying to gather what to say and I say “I took that for a dare, Daniel dared me to do it” he again looks at me questioning my sincerity, I know he isn't buying it but he says “oh OK cool” he then swiftly closes the tab and opens netflix and plays a movie however the whole time I am zoned out, when there is a kissing scene between 2 men and I see Max looking at me I know he did this as a test, that sly little shit, I look intently at the screen not wanting to show a change in emotions as the movie concludes I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

I stand there for 5 minutes looking in the mirror wondering if I truly recognise what I see in it, I splash cold water onto my face. I exit the toilet and take my seat for landing. I walk down the steps and sigh at the beautiful views of Nice (there is no airport in Monaco).

When I exit the aircraft I see the other aircraft that was carrying the other half of the grid and I see M/N walk out engrossed in conversation with George and Yuki both groups merge together and head towards the car's and we see a list of which people are in what car I quickly locate my name on the list and see which one I am in and instantly want to die:

Car 3:
Charles Leclerc
Oscar Piastri
Yuki Tsunoda
Zhou Guanyu

I see the other 4 expressing their joy at being together and Yuki quickly wraps his arms around M/N, they seem to be really close and good friends I know Yuki and M/N have known each other before F1, they were in Karting together at one point of their childhood and M/N isn't that much younger than Yuki despite towering above him.

We are quickly told to get into the cars which are more like small minivans Yuki sits next to M/N and Zhou and me and Oscar sit next to each other, the others are going to their hotel and I'm being dropped off at home, Yuki and
M/N are constantly touching each other the whole time, Yuki jokingly says M/N has no abs so M/N pulls his shirt off to prove a point and Yuki touches his stomach stating his reason is “I have to check if they are real or not”, I see M/N blushing. It's clear he feels something towards Yuki. And I tell myself Yuki isn't gay but I thought I wasn't, actually I don't know if I am.

As the journey goes on Yuki and M/N are all over each other and we were all playing truth or dare and Oscar had dared Yuki to kiss M/N on the cheek which he does so, and it makes me angry but what Yuki says next makes me even angrier. “That's nothing I remember when we kissed each other on the lips after M/N won the F2 Championship” as soon as he finishes his statement we arrive at my family home I quickly get enraged and confused.

I collect my luggage from the back and they all say in unison except M/N "Goodbye Charles".

As I watch the car drive off I stand there and simply say.

“Am I gay?”

1375 Words

As always of there are any mistakes do let me knownajd I'm always happy to take recommendations:)

Curve of fate - Charles Leclerc X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now