Chapter 20

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A few days later...


So a lot of things happened...Elsa and I barely talk since the whole park incident. I broke up with Punzie and she was cool with it. I didn't tell her about Elsa though. The school rumors keep going, only they're different now.
'I heard Jack left her because of someone else'
'Elsa's just a selfish slut'
'Punzie and Jack only broke up because of Elsa'
'Hans tried to stay with Elsa but Elsa's a slut'

They know nothing.

"So my house today after school?" Anna asks.

"I'm in" Merida says.

"Me too!" Punzie smiles.

"Count us" Hic and Flynn raise their hands.

"What about you Jack?" Anna asks.

"I don't think Elsa wants me there"

"But I thought you two made up"

"Me too" I continue to stab my food with a fork.

"What if we met at someone else's house?" Merida suggested.

"We could swing by Jacks place" Hic says.


"Well you've got nothing planned do you?" I shake my head.

"Settled then, Jacks house after school" Punzie says raising her apple.

"What's going on?" Elsa walks up to our table with her tray at hand. She looks at me and we stare. "You know what, never mind" she says taking her stuff somewhere else.

"Where are you going?" Merida asked.

"Here" I say getting up with my tray. "I'll go" I walk past her making eye contact but quickly look away. I walk over to Luke's table. I take a seat and they instantly noticed me.

"Woah" Luke says.


"I just haven't seen you in a while. You know, sitting here"

"I've sat here before"

"Yeah but this year you've been sitting at that table" he nods towards the table I was just sitting at.

"Yeah well things change" I take a sip of water. I look at him and stare into his blue eyes.

"I'm cool with it" he raises his hands.


"Hey, your on my team and the best player" I give him a look. "Second best"

"Thanks" I ruffle his black hair.

"Hey, mind not messing with the hair?"

"Hey guys" Greg sits across from me. "Saw you two sitting together and I just had to come and check on the pretty couple" Luke throws a grape at him. Greg grabs a spoonful of pudding and tosses it at Luke.

"Boys, boys" I say putting my arm between them. "There's enough of Jack for the both of you" Luke grabs some frosting from his cupcake and hits my face. "thanks"

They both laugh and I can't help but break down laughing with them. I throw some water at Greg and he gets revenge by throwing some pudding at me. Luke grabs his cupcakes and smashes it into Greg and chocolate pieces stay on his nose. We break down laughing and continue to throw food at each other until a teacher comes by.

"Mr.Frost, Wands, and Mr.Liset, my classroom, now!" She walks away and the guys and I look at each other. We try our best to hold in our laughter as we follow Gothel. I'm going to be I. So much trouble...

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