26/The Ghost (Is me)

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Kopelyn Blue POV

I could've sworn that my heart and soul would turn into dust and lay on the floor for all eternity, but I somehow was wrong. I wouldn't be having such thoughts if I really devolved like that.

The night sky was sparkling with stars and some gentle wind as I was standing on the tall grass that I know hasn't been cut, but I didn't feel anything on my ankles, which were translucent and misty.

I look towards the door where Sugar Plum Witch was standing with her arms crossed.

"Hey, nice work." She tells me sarcastically..

"Don't blame me!" I yell at her, "You never told me that I would kill myself from those sugar plums. I'm just twenty eight years old. Leo and I were sopposed to get houses in Brazil, New Zealand, and London, and now we lost me, and we lost our kid! Why do you  this to me?!" I rant as the my tears flow down my face.

I just couldn't believe that this is the end. Why is it, that people from my family have to get killed off? I sat on the floor and cry about it as Sugar Plum Witch walks up to me slowly. She sits down on a big rock and flattens out her dress. "You are so such an ungrateful b*tch, Kopelyn." She sighs.

"What?!" I could've been a lot of things, but I wasn't ungrateful, not in my opinion. I've been very happy these past few years, and Leo and I both helped eachother and thanks eachother. It was all lovely and cozy with us.

"I gave you magic, Kopelyn." She tells me calmly.

"You never gave me anything."

"I could've given you magic, like how the Water Witch gave me magic."

"But I don't want to be like you. Stuck in a book for years and years, and then feeding off someone's dreams." I mutter through tears.

"There's more magic than just that." She whispers, "If only I knew how to give it too you."

We both stop talking as I take in the night air and the breeze that flies right through my body.

"I didn't know that eating all those sugar plums would be poisonous. Leo is going to lose his mind now that our infant has been killed."

Sugar Plum stands up and turns to me. "It wouldn't have killed you..... if you waited for the child to be born." She says wistfully before disappearing.

"No! Sugar Plum Witch! Come back! I still need to tell you something!" I yell out.

I didn't really have anything to tell her, but I felt empty inside.

I sat on the porch swing, floating with the cold and cruel wind, looking down at where my feet fade into air.

I watch Leo as he comes into the dark yard, wearing his rain coat, holding his bright umbrella as the icy rain falls through my body.

He picks brings out the casket, pulls out the shovel, and digs into the dirt.

My heart skipping beats as he takes my body and buries me. My beautiful hair, sparkling with rain drops was the last thing that I saw of my own body as I was now under the dirt.

But I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home. My deceased family already haunts me, and it doesn't help that I'm already a god damn ghost.

I rest my head in my hands, thinking about the future as I watch Leo's eyes glistening with water. I know these could be the drunk drunk tears of a drunk drunk man, but I haven't seen my husband cry quite like this. He could be mourning my death, or angry with himself for not noticing anything, but I liked it for him.

I got no funeral, but I don't care too much. I watch Leo throughout the next days adjust to loneliness quickly, but never really enjoying it. He would often go out with people, or socialize somewhere just to talk to people. He kept giving people taxi rides and singing in his car.

What I know very well in that he's never gonna meet some other girl, someone that could've been, should've been, or would've been me.

I haunt him like a good old member untill new years. Leo was out driving late that night as I was looking at old pictures on the wall of Leo and I being a happy couple. We were somehow in the city in that one picture, I was pregnant then. God, I looked so good when I was pregnant. My stomach is now as flat as a pancake because Scott hasn't survived.

"Hey, Sugar Plum Witch?" I ask.


Oh. I guess I summoned her. I didn't know that I was able to do that as a ghost.

I smile at her, "I don't wanna live forever." I explain.

"You're dead Kopelyn, you clearly didn't live forever!" She snaps.

"Sorry, that was a talking mistake. I've been floating around without anything to offer to the world anymore. I don't even want to go out, or move things, or anything that normal ghosts do. I could wither away, so I can rest in peace." I tell her thoughtfully and calmly.

"Ugh, don't be such a coward! You're sopposed to want to live to haunt!" She complains bitterly before adding, "That wasn't sopposed to rhyme."

"Could you get rid of me?"

"I can't. I love you too much." She says sadly as she goes up to me to twirl my hair again. I swear, she's always flirting with me.

"Just get rid of me."

"I could take you to hell." She murmured as she walks away.

"Turn me to dust. I no longer want to think, feel, see, hear, none of that. I don't wanna know!" I say confidently.

She blinks her singular eye once and exhales. "Okay." She grins she lifts her hands over her head and claps once, right when I had a thought appear in my brain.

My mouth didn't have enough time to process the question into words, but Sugar Plum Witch still wants her life back, she still wants to reset the clocks to prevent herself from making the mistakes she's made. Will she be after Leo's dreams for now on, or will she find a new victim? I don't know, but either way, I will actually get reborn into that universe and never know about-

Author's note: Kopelyn's dead, but of you've read Cursed Pool, you already know that. Stay tuned! The next chapter is a ten year time skip. Also I feel like it might've been confusing when she talks about Scott. Yeah, Kopelyn thinks that Scott died also, but he lived and is with Lesley in Tennessee.

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