33/When Everyone Finds Out

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Scott Blue POV

On my way to school on Thursday morning, I felt like something terrible was about to happen. I don't know if it was because of the stormy weather, or if it was because Lesley was in such a bad mood. She was promoted recently, and should be happy, but she has not even smiled since that phone call.

I was walking into the building with Roy, who was the only person left to talk to after Henry went off his his big group of friends.

"So Henry has this whole plan about what he's going to do with the raffle money."

"Oh, it's probably something really selfish and boring right?"

"No, he says that he wants to give it to charity, but my Mom thinks that it's his evil way to trick her. He's evil." Roy whispers it as if it's top secret. Which it could be. We're the Blues, every other thing that happens is a secret!

I didn't have many opinions about the raffle, and I really don't care. "Well, he's going to be real broke real soon." I sighed.

"Yeah! I heard that-" Roy's excited voice was cut off by some random kid in the halls saying, "Roy Blue!"

So I stand all alone watching Roy happily run to catch up with his group of friends.

I continue to walk to my class when I notice that some of the kids are looking at me. At first, I assumed because I was lonely, and quite obviously the only kid in the halls walking alone, but I realized that it makes no sense for the kids to be staring for that reason because most days, this happen.

Gemma and Summer were going to their class, whispering and laughing to eachother.

What could possibly be so funny? That's what I want to know!

I get to Mrs Knife's class as I remember that today is sopposed to be a perfect day. I had just yesterday completed an insanely hard test all by myself.... with help from the answer key.

Soren sits behind me and sings to himself, "Don't stop believing! Hold on to the feeEEEElIIIn!"

"Pst! Soren!" I whisper urgently.

"Why are you interrupting me? I'm singing your favorite song!"

He was right about that actually, but I was curious if he knew the gossip. "Yeah, but everyone in the halls were staring at me!"

"Yeah, where do you want them to look?" He sasses.

Soren loudly taps his pencil as he quietly states, "If I throw a frog at a tree what will happen? Hmmm, I wonder how many people get stung by jellyfish per second."

Sometimes you just have to let him talk to himself.

One of the loud talkative boys in the class, Jack, who sits next to Soren looks at him and says, "Hey, Soren! What did you get for question 19? The one about if a baptist can marry a catholic?"

Soren just laughs, "I didn't know, so I just wrote down the lyrics to the song from Sesame street that was stuck in my head yesterday."

Then Mrs Knife walks in, and you know she means business, even though she's four feet tall and has an extremely round head.

"Ugh! Mrs Knife!" Hisses Soren, "I was hoping that you died in a car crash!"

Oh, second hand embarrassment.

Mrs Knife didn't seem to notice that, instead she says to all of us, "Hey kids, spelling is fun!"

So that class explodes.

"Oh, but Mrs Knife, spelling isn't fun!"

"Yeah, why is our words so hard!?"

"Why does the other class have harder words than us?"

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