57/Photo Evidence

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Sean Blue POV

"There has been evidence. Photo evidence that this man had people held hostage." Says Officer Smith, hands crossed on his desk. 

We did not expect that, and sure, Lesley might've assumed that Leo killed off a few innocent folks. Sararose might've expected that Leo went on a drunk murder spree, but not any of us thought for a moment that Leo Blue cared enough to hold people hostage.

"I would like to see the evidence." I tell Officer Smith. He smiles brightly and tosses a manila folder on the desk. Inside were a few printed photos. They seemed to have been captured outside of a bus. Leo, who apparently has a long beard these days was standing facing the left where you could visibly see people, relatively young adults, sleeping in the bus seats. It was hard to tell Leo's facial expression, but I know from the past, that Leo would never let somebody stay trapped.

"Hm." Sighs Lesley. "That's photo evidence if I've ever seen it. I told you already, he's out there torturing people! We can't just sit on it and look for evidence after evidence, we have to do something!"

Officer Smith smils delightfully. "How could you be so sure, Lesley?"

"Because I know him!" She snaps, "He's torturing innocent kids like he did when he was in high school. He has to go back to prison!"

Ignoring Lesley's awfully passionate statement, Officer Smith looks to Sararose. "What's your take?"

Sararose sighs deeply and in a slow and frustrated tone, she says, "Make him stop drinking."

"Easier said than done!" Sings Officer Smith, "Sararose, you don't think he's really evil?"

"No. He's just swaying in stupidity." She adds in a feisty tone, "He's a regular man, and he's fooling no one. Sooner or later, these people that he captured will attack him."

"It can't be true!" I cried, "Leo is innocent. He didn't capture these people. He would never!" 

"Sean!" Officer Smith hooted, "You're not helping!"

"But I know my son! He was a kindest and sweetest kid! He was the guy who freed people from the claws of death, never would've caused it, and that's all you need to know." I explain trying to be as calm as a koala, but I felt as passionate as a whale of the great sea. I was not going to let this slide. I may never see Leo again, but I can't let him rot like and old piece of corn in a prison cell.

I know my legs might give out, but I stand on my feet, holding the desk for support. "Why is it, Officer Smith, that we sit in a room discussing a man who isn't even here? Of course Leo knows what he's doing better than us."

"But you can't trust him!" Officer Smith yells out, "The whole point is that we decide what to do with him."

"Why can't he go to court?" Sararose asks boardly.

"We're thinking about it." Officer Smith replies with a odd trace of panic in his voice.

"Officer Smith, don't you want to find Leo yourself instead of demanding his information out of us?" I ask, "Because I can assure you, he means well."

"Well, no. That can't happen." He countered with a grin. "I must stay here in Tennessee. Lesley's by far the only one out of you three in shape, so only she can do that task."

Lesley nods in agreement. How could she? I might be handicapped, but I will go great lengths to find out about my son! "I must go find him!" I pleaded.

"Remember what I told you, Dad, when I get the money, I'll go." Lesley says, with an ounce of hope in her voice.

Lesley deep down is scared to death of the unknown, and what creeps in the dark shadows of the future. She thinks of Leo to be some sort of hellish creature, wanting him to die, as she also wants to talk to him. If only she could get her facts straight, and it might be nice.

In the car ride home, I tried to look out for red lights, stop signs, godawful drivers etc. Sararose could drive well, but I try to be safe anyway.

"Leo isn't as good as you think." Sararose says dryly out of nowhere.

"But he's our son!"

"That doesn't change the truth."

"But we don't know the truth, not yet."

"Oh, Sean, won't you think about it? People change! I know I did, Easten did, Lesley did. Leo just became an alcoholic after losing Kopelyn."

"But he's not evil! Don't even think for a minute that he's gone evil!"

"I don't think he's evil. I know Lesley thinks that Leo's a monster, but she's been saying that since Leo started growing his hair very long. I just think he's a spunky man who impulsively drinks. You know, maybe one day we could fix him."

"Leo is nothing but a wholesome man who likes to sing some songs and help people! The world is cruel to him! It's not fair!" I cried.

"Sean, you think of Leo the same why you thought of your sister! You think that someone sweet and wholesome stays sweet and wholesome, but really they don't."

"Sararose. You haven't even met my sister!"

"Well, she was held hostage in her own home for a few months, didn't she? And she broke out twice, slicing some random guy's throat, and then killing herself?"

Memories feel like weapons, I hate to say. There were the days when people did go about their lives saying Thank goodness Alexis Blue died. She did kill a man, but did it while sleeping! Her disappearance was always a mystery, so I can's assume she went as far as to commit suicide.

It was the night before Christmas when Alexis Blue climbed out the window. It must've been some time that night or early morning when she supposedly committed suicide. It was Christmas day when I pulled a nine year old Easten out of his bedroom in which he locked himself in, and I demanded him to come with me to search for Alexis.

It was damp and freezing that evening on the 25th. The unsettling noises that came out of every corner, the emptiness of every street, and the angry neighbors that I approached when I begged people to help me find Alexis.

The January of the next year, I searched cemetery after cemetery for that grave stone that would have her name on it.

I never even saw a single gravestone with her name on it, and Easten and I searched all freaking night. The scariest thing that I ever experienced was just not knowing what happened to this innocent fifteen year old that everyone feared.

Author's note: Sararose and Sean aren't too sure as to why Lesley hates Leo so bad. They all view Leo differently; Sean is the most nostalgic and stuck in the past in the family, and because he was such a good Father he remembers the kind and sweet version of Leo from when Leo was young. Sararose is more serious and cut throat so she remembers an older version of Leo. Possibly Leo's hippie era when he was in college, she cared a lot about his education in that time and was frustrated by Leo's use of drugs and drinking, (As Leo mentions in his POV that Sararose didn't think he'd make it in college, which is why he went to a really expensive and good college, just to prove her wrong) Lesley views Leo as a complete monster because since she's younger than him, she saw the way he acts differently around kids and adults. She saw him randomly torture kids in school, as mentioned in her POV. So basically, Lesley sees Leo as a demon, Sean sees him as an angel on earth, and Sararose sees him as an idiot. Stay tuned!

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