2. Friend or Foe?

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As I walked across the street a million questions came into my mind. Who are they? Where do they come from? I pondered as I approached the navy blue door. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. I heard footsteps getting closer to the doorway. The door cracked open. "Who goes there?" ( Dan's truth or dare video voice) A unusual voice exclaimed. I said "Umm... Me I guess." I said. The door opened. I gasped. "Hey." A gorgeous guy chuckled. "H-hi." I stuttered with embarrassment. He chuckled "what brings you to my lovely abode?" I snapped out of dream mode and exclaimed. " I brought you some fudge my Mom made it for you. You are the new neighbor correct?" " Actually my best friend Phil and I moved here." I thought immediately, he's lying he's gay he's too perfect to be with me. Phil walked up to the door and shook my hand. "Hi I'm Phil! What's your name!" With enthusiasm in his eyes. " R/N" I replied. "Dan." The one who had an amazing laugh replied. I smiled thinking they would be good friends. Phil said "Come on in!" And held the door. I stepped inside. "I guess you are our friend not a foe!" A chuckle was heard as Dan disappeared into another room.

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