20. Amazing

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--R/N's Pov--

You rung up Dan at 3 am. "Why the fuck are you up?" Dan said sleep coating his voice. "I was wondering if you were up." You giggled. "Now I am for fucks sake!" Dan said sighing. "I was in the middle of a good dream too." Dan chuckled. "What was your dream about?" You asked. "That is none of your business." Dan said trailing off. "Daniel Howell was I R/N L/N in your dream?" I asked being sarcastically shocked. "Shut up damnit!" Dan laughed nervously. We whispered over the phone until the last stars disappeared from the dawn sky. You woke up with your phone next to you. You slipped out of bed and walked downstairs to your kitchen. You started to turn on the stove to make pancakes (sorry if you don't like pancakes.) but then you realized you wanted to go to Starbucks and get coffee. You grabbed your phone and almost walked out the door when you realized you had only a big t shirt and underwear on. Well shit. You thought. You trudged up your two level apartment stairs and face planted onto your bed. "I don't want to get dressed. I'm to lazy." You muffled into your warm green and blue comforter. You slowly got up and slid over to your closet. You picked out a black shirt with white words stating: this is my soul color. You put the shirt on and grabbed a pair of black jeans. You picked up your phone and walked downstairs to the front door. You opened the door and stepped onto the gray shaggy hallway carpet. You walked to Dan and Phil's apartment and opened the door. "Daniel Howell?" You asked to the silence. You felt a icy cold hand wrap around your arms which were beside your waist. You started to turn your head when a hand violently covered your mouth. You struggled to get out of the strong grasp then you heard a loud laugh. You turned around to see Dan holding your arms. "What the fuck Dan are you an idiot you scared the shit out of me!" You Yelled angrily. Dan hugged you. "Get the fuck off of me!" You yelled louder. You stomped to the gray couch. "Phil is asleep!" Dan whispered. "Fuck you." You said quietly. "I'm going to Starbucks." Dan announced. "I'm coming with you." You said. "Get in the car." Dan said. We walked outside in the crisp cool air. You opened the passenger side of the car. You slammed the door shut and buckled your seatbelt. Dan jumped in the car and drove off to the coffee shop. You both hopped out of the car and walked into Starbucks. You saw the Starbucks had no customers in line. You raced Dan to the front and won by three seconds. One peppermint tea and a two black coffees please. You walked over to see Megan making your peppermint tea. You smiled at her "Hey Megan! How are you?"  "Um can we talk..... Alone." She asked me handing Dan the coffees. "Sure." You walked over to an empty couch and said to Dan "Dan I'll be five minutes." "More like twenty." He mumbled rolling his eyes chuckling. " I will be in the car." He said walking outside. "What's up?" You asked Megan. "Phil hates me." "What??? I thought he fancied you?" You asked shocked. "I did too until he yelled at me in the car while visiting Dan in the hospital." "But we have a bigger problem." She said scared looking into your eyes. "Joe fancies me."

--Joe Suggs Pov--
Today was the day I am going to ask her out. I fancied Megan. A lot. She was so pretty her red hair was fiery and spectacular. She looked great in red too. I walked to the Starbucks where Megan worked. I walked into the shop and ordered a green tea.
"Hey Megan!" I smiled at her. "Hey Joe!" "Hi Joseph." R/N called out to me. I laughed. "Megan can I talk to you?" I asked her. She nodded and walked over to me. "What's up?" She asked. "Would you like to go out with me?" I asked praying for the best. "Of course Joe!" She laughed and hugged me. "Do you want to go to Olive Garden for dinner?" She asked. "How classy!" I laughed. They both chuckled awkwardly. I rubbed the back of my neck. I really just want to kiss her right now... But that would be going too far. I really loved her... I realized. Megan leaned closer to me. I thought she was going to hug me when I felt a light warm tingling on my lips. I snapped into reality and opened my eyes. Megan the girl I dreamed of was kissing me. I was holding her close she was the one I loved. I kissed her back softly. She was melting my heart.

--Phil's Pov--
I woke up to my phone ringing. I picked up and mumbled "Hello?" "Phil come to Starbucks I'm bored." Dan sighed into the phone. "Where's R/N?" I asked. "Are you coming or not?" Dan asked. "I'll be there in ten." I said pulling my shoes on. I walked outside as a nice cool breeze ran through my hair. I walked over to my car and unlocked it. I hopped in and drove away to the Starbucks. I parked my car about a block away and walked to the best coffee store. I opened the brown see through door and stepped inside. I walked to see R/N sitting on a couch scrolling on her phone. I smiled and walked over to her. "Hey R/N! Where's Dan?" "Car." She said focused on whatever she was scrolling through. I slid over the tile floor and stepped on the cold concrete outside. I knocked on Dan's car window. He rolled the window down and handed me a coffee. I told him "I'm getting a hot chocolate too I'm cold." I complained. "Okay Princess." Dan laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked back inside. I opened the door and stared. I dropped my coffee and it spilled all over my feet and the ground. A barista looked over at me. R/N looked up from her phone and knew exactly what I was thinking. Megan was kissing Joe Sugg with a bouquet of roses at Joe's feet. Megan pulled away from Joe. They turned their heads facing me. I turned around and ran out I heard R/N call out to me and she started to run after me. Dan pulled R/N back and said "Don't do it." I ran to my car started it and sped off to head to my room.

--R/N's Pov--
Dan pulled you back as Phil's feet slapped the concrete sidewalk. "He needs to be left alone." Dan said. You realized Phil had left and Dan's hands were hugging you from behind. You smiled he couldn't see you but You blushed and giggled. He pulled back and opened the passenger door for me. "Daniel Howell!" You asked shocked. "Don't call me Daniel." He mumbled. You laughed. "Let's go Howell I don't have all day." You said with stern sarcasm. "Yeah right you don't have a life!" Dan laughed driving down our street. He turned into his assigned parking space. And unlocked the car doors. He walked to the elevator and pushed three. I pushed ten. "Why did you press ten?" Dan asked me. "There is a blue moon tonight." You sighed. "Yeah right." Dan said. " I bet you twenty dollars there is." You said challenging the brunette. "Deal." He said shaking your hand. You arrived at the tenth floor and stepped out onto the balcony looking out to the fields that grew crops. "Damnit!" You heard Dan say. You saw a blue moon sitting high in the sky. "You owe me twenty dollars Hobbit." You laughed.

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