25. Stay

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--R/N's Pov --
You heard a soft knock on your door. You opened the door and saw Phil with tears in his eyes. "Phil what's wrong?" You asked pulling him in a hug. "Dan. He's leaving. He's going back to London." Your heart dropped. You hadn't gotten over Dan. Even though he tried to apologize. You wanted to be together forever. You loved him. "Where is he?" "The airport. It's too late." You slapped Phil. "Snap out of it. We can make it." You dragged him to your car. You turned the key and sped off to the airport.

--Dan's Pov --
I sat down on a chair at my gate. A little old lady sat next to me. "Excuse me is this seat taken?" "No you can sit here." I said. I opened up my suitcase and pulled out the picture of R/N and I. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and land on the frame. I wiped off the tear and felt a hand on my shoulder. The lady had placed her hand on me. "Your girlfriend is beautiful." "You are one lucky man." She smiled. "She broke up with me a few weeks ago." I said looking at the ground. "It was our two year anniversary." "What happened?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. "I got really drunk and kissed another girl. One of my friends kissed her cheek in a friendly way and I lost control." I looked back at the framed picture. "I think she will forgive you. She looks too happy in that picture to be upset with you." I stood up as my flight was called to board. I tuned the lady and walked to the gate. "Daniel Howell!" I turned around. I saw R/N and Phil running after me. I stood there befuddled. Before I knew it R/N was pulling me away from the gate. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm taking you home." She said with a determined look on her face." "Good luck!" The lady yelled to me as she waved goodbye. I waved back and thought to myself I'm getting her back. R/N kept dragging me to her car. Phil took my bag smirking at me. I held
R/N's hand with my fingers sticking out of my cutoff gloves. "You don't have to drag me anymore." "Yes I do!" She pouted. I rolled my eyes. She looked like a two year old. I want to kiss her but she still hates me. "Stop checking me out." She laughed. I blushed. Phil sat next to me in the back. R/N put in her headphones and bobbed her head along to whatever music she was listening to. Phil looked at me. "She misses you." He whispered. "She doesn't admit it though." Phil told me. I stared out the window and said nothing to Phil. When we got to the apartment R/N literally dragged me inside. "Sit." She said pushing me on the gray couch. I looked at her. She looked angry. "Why?" She said to me. "Why what?" I asked. "Why the actual fuck did you leave?" She said. "I couldn't take it." I said. She looked at me horrified. She started screaming at me. "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T TAKE IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU LEAVE YOUR BEST FRIEND!" She stomped off. I grabbed her hand. She glared at me. "Why do you think pulling me back will fix everything." She whispered with tears in her eyes. R/N collapsed to the ground.

-- R/N's Pov --
All your feelings collapsed. You started to bawl. Dan was still holding your hand. He jumped up and held you. You turned and buried your face into his chest. "I just want to be friends again anger took over me." You gasped. Dan looked at you. He hugged you tight. "I want to be friends too." He said.

--Dan's Pov--
Damnit I love her.

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