Tag thingy majiggy

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I was tagged by AverageToast
1. You have to post all rules
2. You have to answer all thirteen questions and create thirteen more for the people you tag
3. Choose thirteen people to tag
4. Can't say I don't do tags
5. Tag backs are allowed
6. You have a week to answer and if you don't complete it you have to be my slave
7. Be creative with your title
1. Wolves or foxes?
Wolves duh.
2. Favorite song off of P!ATD Death of a Bachelor album?
Death of a bachelor, and Emperor's new clothes.
3. First OTP?
4. First YouTuber you watched?
I can't remember! Maybe Rhett and Link? Or maybe Tobuscus? Mostly Minecrafters lol
5. What got you into Wattpad?
I actually got into it by myself!
6. Headphones or Earbuds?
I wear earbuds but I like headphones better.
7. Horror or Comedy?
Comedy. I am scared of EVERYTHING.
(I have anxiety.) unless I had a nice boyfriend to cuddle with me and protect me while we watch a horror movie. Then I would watch a horror movie.
8. Black or Blue
9. First story you ever wrote on Wattpad?
This story actually!
10. Do you know what a finger monkey is?
Yes. It's is a tiny monkey that can wrap around your finger. ITS ADORABLE!!!
11. Do you listen to the Cab?
I don't but I will listen to them now!
12. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
13. First Fandom you were in?
Phan. I just watched their new danandphilCRAFTS video. PROTIP- you should watch it.

My questions
1. Why did you decide to read this story?
2. Cake or ice cream
3. 5sos or 1D
4. What's your fav color?
5. What color eyes do you have?
6. Painted nails or naw?
7. iPhone or Samsung?
8. Silver or Black?
9. YouTube or Tumblr?
10. Nike or Under Armor?
11. Favorite YouTuber?
12. Vans or Uggs?
13. Starbucks or Jersey Mikes?
Tagged people⬇️⬇️⬇️
You have one week to complete the thirteen questions!
HAVE FUN!!!! Enjoy!
Hopefully my new chapter I'll start writing Saturday!
Love y'all
-Megan xx

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